Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Engagement Photos Revealed!

It’s been two months since we first learned that Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell had gotten engaged, and in typical Duggar fashion, the couple seems eager to let fans in on every detail of the run-up to their wedding.

In fact, there’s been talk about the young couple perhaps being too open about their upcoming nuptials.

(Many felt that the decision to publicly share Joseph and Kendra’s wedding registry online was a not-so-subtle way of soliciting presents from fans.)

But today, the young couple invited Duggar lovers to share in their joy in a thoroughly wholesome way by sharing a full set of engagement photos (such as the one above) with People magazine.

“We are super excited,” Kendra told the magazine when asked about her engagement.

“It’s great to not be courting anymore, now we’re engaged!”

As for whether Joseph experienced any pre-proposal jitters, he says he was fully confident that his bride-to-be would say yes.

“I was definitely nervous going into it, but I wasn’t afraid that she was going to say no, because she has said, ‘I’m just waiting on you!’” 

Jeez, way to ruin the suspense, Kendra!

Someone tell this girl she’s soon to be a Duggar.

It’s not enough to just live her life; she has to do so in a fashion that’ll keep fans on the edge of their seats.

As fans of Counting On will recall, it was quite the proposal, with Joseph popping the question at Joy-Anna Duggar’s wedding reception.

Fortunately, the bride wasn’t concerned with being upstaged, and Joy-Anna actually participated in the surprise.

Of course, these are the Duggars we’re talking about, so naturally Joseph and Kendra’s engagement pics have launched a mini-controversy.

If you watch Counting On online, then you’re surely aware of the family’s absurdly strict “courtship rules.”

Some fans are now expressing their belief that the Duggar women are held to an unfair double standard, and that if any of them were spotted getting as “handsy” as Joseph is in the pic above, they would be read the riot act.

We’re not sure if that’s true, but the debate certainly proves at least one point:

There is nothing the Duggars can do that won’t piss off a sizable segment of their social media following.
