Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Corinne Olympios Breaks Social Media Silence!

It was such a huge relief to hear Corinne Olympios put things to rest, because the Bachelor in Paradise pool sex scandal had taken so many upsetting turns.

There were people slut-shaming Corinne Olympios. There were insinuations that DeMario Jackson was some sort of predator. There were worries that 

But finally, after a month of the social media equivalent of “dead air,” Corinne has broken her social media silence.

That’s not a super big deal on its own — it’s just a photo.

But we think that it signals more than just the fact that Corinne was celebrating the Fourth of July with a star-spangled selfie.

To us, it represents Corinne getting ready for things to get back to normal.

Look, however you feel about Snapchat filters …

(Even if you feel that Snapchat itself drains what little lingers of your youth and callously mocks you whenever you use it)

… You have to admit that it’s good to “hear from” Corinne.

It’s been, what, a month

Since Bachelor in Paradise production was shut down in the first place, we mean.

That was the poolside sex romp that started it all.

(Honestly, there’s still so much that we don’t know and will never know)

DeMario Jackson wasn’t shy about speaking out, out of fear that people would see him as the aggressor in the situation.

(Even though no one, Corinne included, ever pointed the finger at him — but a bunch of fans wanted to blame him for some reason)

(Racism — the reason was racism)

And except for a few of Corinne Olympios’ public statements — super stilted language, likely worded by her legal team — Corinne herself has been 

We gotta be honest, like, Warner Bros determining that no assault took place during an internal investigation didn’t mean a lot on its own.

Like, that’s the sort of thing that could be completely legitimate.

But given the obvious interests involved, that’s also the sort of thing that could sound like a non-subtle cover-up.

Kind of like when Trump says that his team didn’t collude with Russia, you know?

We don’t mean to imply that Warner Bros is sinister or incompetent or orange by that comparison.

Just that, understandably, investigators would have had to have been conscious of the fact that determining that something terrible took place would reflect on everybody involved.

Tough to be impartial when your paychecks come from the corporate entity that might take a hit.

But if Corinne’s satisfied — remember, she didn’t remember what happened and had to put it all together after-the-fact — then we’re satisfied, you know?

Though we do hope that DeMario and Corinne get to talk.

For both of their sakes.

So, admittedly, Corinne’s Snapchat photo for the Fourth of July wasn’t the big social media comeback that people expected.

But not everybody has to pen a long-ass open letter that they post to Instagram for some reason after something major happens.

Corinne can just go back to sharing photos of herself and marketing her platinum vagine (shirts! shirts that say those words, we mean).

She doesn’t really owe the world an essay.
