Thursday, July 13, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Is She FINALLY Getting Along with Her Mother?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2, then you know that the relationship between Jenelle Evans and her mother, Barbara, isn"t the greatest.

It actually may be the most dysfunctional relationship on the entire show.

Things have been bad between them for a very long time — at least for as long as they"ve been filming the show.

Shortly after Jenelle gave birth to her first child, Jace, she signed temporary custody over to Barbara and then proceeded to do many, many bad things.

She stole Barbara"s credit card to run away to New Jersey for a while, she yelled at her and threatened to beat her up.

When Barbara pointed out that maybe Jenelle should stop doing drugs and start being a responsible adult, Jenelle behaved like her mother was the worst person in existence.

Now, nearly eight years later, things aren"t much better.

They"re actually worse — Jenelle says now that when she finally gets custody of Jace, she will cut Barbara out of her life for good.

But all of that is very depressing to think about, so instead let"s check out this new sneak peek from the new season of Teen Mom 2.

Because, for once, Jenelle and Barbara manage to have a nice moment together.

In the clip, a very, very pregnant Jenelle calls up Barbara to invite her to her baby shower.

Remember, Jenelle had a little get-together with some friends and family right before she gave birth to Ensley, and Barbara was in attendance?

It was shocking at the time, and Babs sounds shocked to be invited.

"I"m glad you invited me to the shower," she told Jenelle, and she also tells her that their Christmas celebration was "lovely."

Because apparently the whole family managed to get together for Christmas and have a good time — who are these people and what did they do with the Evans family?

Barbara then goes on to give what will surely become one of her many classic quotes:

"Now I"m going walking "cause I"m so friggin" fat I can"t even stand to look at myself in the mirror."

Jenelle tries not to laugh, but she can"t help herself — Babs is just too good.

Unfortunately, we know that the good times don"t last.

They have their big court date concerning the custody of Jace, and Barbara ends up keeping full custody while Jenelle gets an official visitation schedule.

There was also one particularly disturbing occasion in which Jenelle confronts her mother in a restaurant parking lot to scream at her about drinking and driving.

It"s all very unfortunate, but let"s not think about that right now.

Instead, watch the sweet mother-daughter moment in the video below:

Jenelle evans is she finally getting along with her mother