Friday, July 21, 2017

Prince Harry-Meghan Markle Engagement: Actually Happening, Source Says

We know, we know – you’ve heard this one before.

Pretty much from the time the world first learned that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are dating, there have been rumors that a wedding is just around the corner.

At this point, it seems Harry has not yet proposed, but those closest to the couple say they expect him to pop the question any day now.

A royal source tells E! News that even Harry’s staff has been informed that an engagement will likely be announced in the months to come.

“It’s, of course, very serious and both Harry and Meghan are focused on the future,” the insider says.

“Engagement talk isn’t just between the two of them, even some of Harry’s closest aides are quietly expecting news before the end of the year.”

Of course, it may be along time before the couple announces that Harry has put a ring on it.

“She’s hoping that if this is something that happens they can keep the news private for a while before having to go public,”

But it’s looking more and more as though keeping the engagement a secret will be a virtual impossibility.

Already, Harry’s friends are being asked about the wedding, and the way some have talked about it, it seems as though it’s of when, not if.

“I don’t think I’m worried about the wedding. I’m worried about the after party,” said longtime pal Kirstie Ennis in a recent interview.

Asked specifically if Harry and Meghan are already engaged, Ennis declined to comment, further fueling rumors that a wedding will be taking place sooner, rather than later.

There have been reports in recent weeks that Harry and Meghan are having relationship problems, but that’s pretty much the norm with longtime celebrity couples.

There have also been rumors that Harry and Meghan plan to elope, but those also appear to be bogus.

The way it looks now, a Harkle wedding will be happing sometime in the next 18 months, and it’ll be a tradtional, lavish affair.

Many thought it would never happen, but it seems as though Harry is finally looking to settle down for good.

Our premature congrats go out to both the prince and his bride-to-be.
