Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: Are They Planning to Elope?!

Back in October the world learned that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had been dating for several months.

In the beginning, the couple had an unfortunate amount of haters, but far more supporters.

Those supporters have spent the entirety of 2017 desperate for news that Harry and Meghan are engaged.

Thus far, no such announcement had been made.

And now, royal obsessives are being driven to the point of panic by news that Harry and Meghan are having relationship problems.

Well, we’re happy to report that you can put your cares to rest, Harkle ‘shippers.

By most accounts, Meghan and Harry are doing just fine.

In fact, a new report published today by Us Weekly claims that not only is the couple planning to get hitched …. they’re plannin to do it before the year is out.

And how is it possible to plan a big royal wedding in such a short time, you ask?

Well, it’s not.

But if the new reports are to be believed, Harry and Meghan aren’t planning a big royal wedding.

According to Us, the couple will be eschewing the Westminster Abbey option in favor of a venue that’s much more off the beaten path.

“They could get married somewhere private and elope,” a source tells the magazine, “rather than have a showy wedding.”

Meghan’s first wedding took place on an island and Harry is reportedly keen on the idea.

Of course, first, he has to pop the question.

And there are some pretty good guesses as to when that may happen.

One insider says Harry will get down on one knee on August 4, which happens to be Meghan’s birthday.

The date has additional significance as the month has always been a difficult one for Harry, whose mother was killed in a car accident in August.

“He feels getting engaged will lift that gloom forever because he will be able to associate August with something joyful,” says the source.

Another insider speculated  that Harry will likely pop the question sometime in the next few months “my money is on a fall engagement.”

Whatever the case it sounds as though another royal wedding will take place in the very near future.

Time to pick out a super-fancy hat and pretend like you might be invited!
