Friday, July 28, 2017

Tarek El Moussa: Loving Fatherhood ... And the Single Life!

It’s been eight months since we first learned that Flip or Flop stars Tarek and Christina El Moussa had separated following a frightening incident in which Tarek brandished a gun.

Given the ugly nature of the split, it’s surprising just how quickly both parties were both able to move on.

But move on they have.

Just a few months after her marriage ended, Christina began dating Nate Thompson, a hockey player currently with the NHL’s Ottawa Senators.

The relationship didn’t last, but we suppose that’s to be expected from a rebound fling following a marriage that yielded two children.

For his part, it seems Tarek is enjoying the single life and playing the field in a major way.

According to Radar Online, Tarek was spotted at the Orange County Fair last night in the company of two “much younger” women.

The nature of Tarek’s relationship to the women is unknown, and they could simply be platonic friends.

But this is far from the first time we’ve heard tales of Tarek making the most of being single for basically the first time in his adult life.

But that doesn’t mean the divorce has been easy for the 38-year-old house flipper.

In a recent social media post, Tarek revealed that he struggles with having to share custody of his two children:

“Well…my kids go home today and I’m sitting in my car on set as I write this,” El Moussa wrote.

“Being a dad is not easy…it takes love, hard work, patience and the understanding that everything you do today around your children will affect them for the rest of their lives.”

“My number one goal in life that I WILL accomplish is being the best dad, friend and mentor to my children,” Tarek added.

“I just love them so much and I want them to live the best life ever! I [love] you Tay and Bray!!”

Sources say Tarek and Christina have worked out a relatively amicable co-parenting relationship, and they’re even planning to continue hosting their show together.

That said, divorce is never easy, and clearly, the split has taken a toll on the entire family.

Here’s hoping the El Moussas can stay on course toward an arrangement that will ensure the greatest possible happiness and well-being for all involved.
