Monday, July 10, 2017

Jennifer Garner: PISSED About Ben Affleck-Lindsay Shookus Affair!

Last week, we learned that Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a Saturday Night Live producer whom he reportedly met duting one of his appearances on the show.

The question of when exactly Ben and Lindsay met and started hooking up is an important one, as both parties were both married until relatively recently.

Ben’s divorce from Jennifer Garner was one of the most high-profile celebrity splits in recent memory, and the tabloid press has been obsessing over what might have caused the split for over two years.

So when word got out that Affleck’s relationship might not be new, and allegations that he cheated on Garner with Shookus surfaced online, old wounds were re-opened, and a story that had cooled suddenly got hot again.

Affleck hasn’t spoken out about the relationship yet or offered any information about when he and Shookus started dating, but sources tell People magazine that Garner has been deeply upset by news of the relationship.

“It’s not an easy situation for Jen,” an insider tells the magazine.

Garner is reportedly most troubled by the fact that she was aware of Ben’s “friendship” with Shookus during their marriage, and she’s now concerned that it may have been something more.

“It would have been easier for Jen if Ben would have just dated someone that Jen wasn’t familiar with,” says the insider.

As for the fact that Ben moved on so quickly after finalizing his divorce, the source says Jen’s not surprised:

“She knew it would happen soon. Ben just can’t be alone.”

Interestingly, a different source close to Garner says the actress is not upset in the slightest by Affleck and Shookus’ relationship … but doesn’t deny the allegations that Ben was unfaithful.

“Of course there are issues given it was a major affair, but Jen is her own woman and is completely fine,” says the insider.

“Nothing is new for her here. She’s in mama-bear mode …  putting the kids’ happiness first.”

The second insider maintains that as long as Affleck stays sober (the Oscar winner checked into rehab for alcoholism back in March), Jen doesn’t really care what he does, and will not stand in the way of Ben’s relationship with his kids.

“As long as he stays healthy and sober, she will support him spending as much time with the kids as he wants,” says the source.

We may never know if the allegations about Ben cheating on Jen are true, but it seems unlikely that the story will disappear from the tabloids any time soon.

Lindsay may have worked behind the scenes at SNL, but like it or not, she just entered the spotlight.
