Friday, July 7, 2017

Jill Duggar: Has She Gone Into Labor?!

In some ways, the Duggar family is a lot like the universe.

It’s always expanding and sometimes the whole thing seems hopelessly confusing.

Fortunately, we’re here to help you keep track of every rumor concerning the many proposals, pregnancies, and births in the Duggar clan, and today we’ve got a doozy.

The family’s biggest fans watch their social media pages with the same fervor with which the British tabloid press scrutinizes the Royals.

As a result, they’re often able to accurately predict big news before it’s officially announced to the public.

Of course, sometimes they simply jump to conclusions and end up being wildly off-base.

Their latest speculation seems like it has a good chance of being rooted in truth, as it jibes with what we already know about Jill Duggar and her second pregnancy.

Though Jill’s exact due date remains a mystery, we know that she’s expecting to deliver sometime in July.

Now, fans are taking the photo above as an indication that Samuel Scott Dillard (Jill revealed the name last month.) is already on his way.

Of course, it’s less the picture of Jill’s first son, Israel, and more the caption that accompanied it that has fans on pins and needles.

“Israel is so ready for his baby brother!” reads the caption, which fans believe was penned by Duggar matriarch, Michelle.

Tellingly, the admin of the family’s official Facebook page (which again, is probably Michelle) has been avoiding questions about when Jill is expected to give birth.

Many fans who watch the page closely are taking that as a sign that she’s currently in labor.

There are even some who believe Jill secretly already gave birth and is holding off on making the announcement for reasons that remain unclear.

The last official word from the Dillards on the matter comes from Derick, who tweeted on the Fourth of July:

“If Samuel comes tonight, we’re going to have to call him Uncle Sam!”

Obviously, that sparked a round of wild speculation from the family’s fans.

Like we said, it doesn’t take much to set them off.

We’ll continue to monitor the situation and publish updates as more information becomes available.

Watch Counting On online in the meantime to get your fix of all things Duggar.
