Saturday, July 22, 2017

Louis Tomlinson: THIS Was My Mother"s Dying Wish

In December of 2016, Louis Tomlinson was forced to say goodbye to his mother.

At the young age of 42, Johannah Deakin died of cancer.

In a statement at the time, the family said it was filled with “immeasurable sadness” as a result and “respectfully [requested] that the [they were] given time and space to grieve in private.”

A few months later, however, Tomlinson has spoken out about his late mother, talking to The Sun about one of the final things she said to him before passing away.

“My mum said, ‘You’ve got to get back in contact with Zayn. Life’s too f-cking short,"” Tomlinson told the British newspaper, adding:

“A mother’s intuition is just f-cking crazy. It always felt supernatural to me. My mum always knew what I was feeling and what I wanted.”

The artist, of course, is referring to Zayn Malik, his former colleague in One Direction who quit the boy band back in March of 2015.

Since that departure, Malik hasn’t exactly spoken positively about his time in One Direction, either, once slamming the quartet’s music as “generic.”

He and Tomlinson even got into a Twitter dispute shortly after Malik’s announcement, prior to the entire group taking a hiatus.

But that was then.

Now, Louis says he’s taken his mother’s pleas to heart and reconciled with his former friend and fellow singer.

“I can’t stand to hold a grudge with anyone. It doesn’t sit with me right,” Tomlinson told The Sun.

“If there is any animosity, just clear the air. I met up with him and it was nice.”

Describing Malik as “just a little misunderstood,” Tomlinson says he and Zayn were especially close just a few years ago.

He doesn’t think they’ll ever be besties again, but at least they are on solid terms now.

“I could always break the rules a little bit with Zayn,” he told The Sun this week.

“So after that whole thing, it was that brotherly love. We will always have that love for each other. I can’t speak on behalf of him but we really care about each other.”

As for how he’s holding up overall in the wake of his parent’s death?

“Throughout the time after my mum died I felt the support,” he told publication, adding:

“It stretched past the fan base. People did have my back, it was a really nice feeling…

“I’m thankful that my mum pushed everything onto me because I know I’m dealing with it really well.”
