Sunday, July 9, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Matt Baier Was High on Teen Mom!

This current season of Teen Mom OG has been pretty heavy, huh?

From the reveal of Ryan Edwards" drug problem and the scary footage of him driving while high to Matt Baier"s entire existence … it sure hasn"t been pretty.

In one particularly disturbing episode, we saw the moms fly up to New York to do some press for the season — well, the moms plus Matt.

Poor Catelynn Lowell was on the verge of having a panic attack, so Matt handed her a Xanax, which was bad for a number of reasons.

It was illegal, and Matt shouldn"t have Xanax if he"s as sober as her claims to be, to name just a few of those reasons.

Catelynn told Amber about the pills, and Amber got upset, and understandably so.

And even though Matt asked her repeatedly "Do you forgive Daddy?", Amber didn"t forgive Daddy. She called off the wedding, and that was the beginning of the end for them.

After the episode aired, Catelynn clarified on Twitter that she never took the pill, and that she saved it to show Amber proof that Matt was being sketchy.

And now, in a sneak peek for tomorrow night"s Teen Mom reunion special, Catelynn is revealing more about the incident to Dr. Drew.

Spoiler: it"s shadier than we ever could have imagined.

Dr. Drew tells her that he was confused by the incident, and asks her if she was asking for medicine or if he just offered it.

"What happened was," she begins, "and I know of the trigger, it was Nova"s first day of preschool and I wasn"t there with her, Tyler was, so it was a trigger for me, not being there."

"So I was mentioning out loud, like "I"m having a panic attack, I don"t know what"s going on, it started in the car," and then all of a sudden Matt is just like "Well, let"s just keep this between me and you.""

And that"s when she says that "He just hands me this bar, and I stuck it in my hoodie pocket."


"I didn"t take it, I just turned around and looked at everybody, like … I know his past and Amber"s past and stuff, so I was just like "Why the f-ck does he have this?""

Then, and this is where it really starts to get interesting, Catelynn claims that she was going to bring up the issue, but Amber started asking questions first.

Questions like "Why do you look so high?" and "Why are you wobbling around?"

She was asking Matt, obviously, but she was asking him in front of other people, including Catelynn.

Tragically, she says that she then saw Matt start making Amber "second guess herself," which we"ve seen on the show for a while now.

He tried to tell her that he was "just tired," and that"s when Catelynn pulled her aside to tell her the truth.

And that"s why Amber didn"t forgive Daddy on that fateful day in New York.

It all sounds so sketchy, right? And if Amber hadn"t dumped Matt already, we"d be urging her to do it now harder than ever.

Watch Catelynn"s entire story in the video below:

Catelynn lowell matt baier was high on teen mom