Monday, September 18, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Forget What You Heard, I Love My Kids!

If you’ve been keeping up with the comings and goings of Jenelle Evans, then you know that things aren’t going so great right now.

Things are actually going very, very badly.

Sure, she’s been doing her best to keep up that picture-perfect image she’s been so intent on creating for the past year or two.

And that’s where that admittedly cute family photo above comes in!

Jenelle shared that photo of all three of her kids together — there’s Jace, Kaiser, and little baby Ensley, all in one picture!

“All of mommas ducklings,” she captioned the sweet photo, along with the hashtag “Family First.”

It really is a special occasion that all of her offspring are able to come together in the same place — after all, all three of them have different fathers.

Her oldest child, Jace, lives with Barbara Evans, and though Kaiser and Ensley both live with Jenelle, she usually just shares photos of her little girl while Kaiser runs around unattended outside or gets yelled at for being a toddler.

So is it nice to see a photo like this?

Of course!

But is it nice enough to make us forget about the absolute mess that is Jenelle’s life right now?

Absolutely not.

In just two short weeks, she will be headed to court in the custody case for that adorable Kaiser — and despite her unbelievable luck when it comes to court, there’s a chance she could actually face some consequences for her actions this time.

Earlier this month, Kaiser’s grandmother — Nathan Griffith’s mother — Doris Davidson filed for emergency custody of Kaiser because, as she claimed, Jenelle and her soon-to-be husband, David Eason, had been abusing him.

She said that she’d been documenting bruises she’s seen after picking the kid up for his visits, and she even said that he’d told her David had punched him in the head.

On top of that, she claimed that Jenelle and David had been neglecting him, letting him play outside by himself.

He just recently had his third birthday, by the way.

So, you know, he’s a little too young to be taking care of himself.

Another issue Doris listed is Jenelle’s recent case with child protective services — the case began right after Ensley was born with marijuana in her system.

That case is what really heated up the custody battle for Jace — Barbara was informed of Ensley’s drug test and the madness that followed, and that’s when she banned Jenelle from seeing him.

It’s also probably why Jenelle agreed to visitation in mediation instead of fighting for full custody.

The whole thing is just the biggest mess that ever was, right?

And though she’s obviously trying to make it seem like everything’s fine with photos like that one of her with all of her “ducklings,” not many people are fooled.

“So easy to pose in a photo for five seconds,” one person commented on the photo. “Try taking care of all of them everyday.”

“Is it just me or anyone else find it comical that #familyfirst was used for a hashtag?!? Lol…” another wrote.

One person decided to mock Jenelle, writing “Look I’m such a great mom…. But only on social media for likes.”

But hey, it’s nice that on this one particular occasion she was able to get all three kids together and take such a good family photo.

This might be a whole lot harder to do after her upcoming court case …
