Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Steven Seagal Slams NFL, Resembles All Sorts of Pretend Villains

Steven Seagal is … wait for it… UNDER SIEGE by the Internet.

The former action star sat down for a bizarre interview with Piers Morgan on Tuesday morning, speaking to the host from his home in Russia and taking serious umbrage with athletes who kneel during the National Anthem.

"I believe in free speech," the actor said, prior to contradicting this statement as follows:

"I believe that everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but I don’t agree that they should hold the United States of America or the world hostage by taking a venue where people are tuning in to watch a football game and imposing their political views.

"I think it’s outrageous. I think it’s a joke. It’s disgusting.

"I respect the American flag, and I myself have risked my life countless times for the American flag and I don’t understand or agree with this kind of behavior. I think it’s an outrage.”

Seagal, of course, is talking about the scandal Donald Trump stirred last week when he said NFL players who take a knee during the National Anthem ought to be fired.

Well over 100 players responded to this stance by…. taking a knee on Sunday.

But that"s a debate for another day.

The issue at hand following Seagal"s strange Q&A ("For anyone to think that Vladimir Putin had anything to do with fixing the elections, or even that the Russians have that kind of technology, is stupid," he said at one point) was the actor"s appearance.

Twitter can"t seem to decide just what sort of villain Seagal most resembles in the video below.

Here are two options:

Not bad choices, right?

You can see where each Twitter user is coming from.

Another critic speculated on how there"s an "87% chance this is a John Travolta character," while another chimed in as follows:

"Steven Seagal can’t decide who he’s angrier at – kneeling NFL players or the wizard who cursed him to gradually turn into an owl."


Watch Seagal"s interview below, sound off on his NFL views and then also jump in w.ith your take on just what the heck has happened to Steven Seagal:

Steven seagal slams nfl in bizarre interview resembles various t