Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Blac Chyna: Rob Kardashian Owes Me a 7 Figure Apology for Revenge Porn!

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian settled their custody battle over baby Dream! They agreed on joint custody and a hefty monthly payout to Blac Chyna in the form of child support.

In exchange for that child support being doubled, Blac Chyna agreed to drop her domestic violence allegations against him. We’re sure that Rob was relieved.

But do you know what Chyna didn’t drop? The revenge porn charges. And it sounds like, if he doesn’t already, Rob is going to live to truly regret those foolish posts that he made back in July.

You know, for a hot minute there, Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna were one of the most famous couples on the planet.

Now they’re famous, embittered exes.

They used to share a home.

Now they share a 10-month-old infant daughter, Dream.

And, of course, they likely some court dates in their future.

Sure, they settled their custody dispute.

They have joint custody, with Rob reportedly getting just a hair more time with Dream.

In the mean time, Rob will pay Blac Chyna $ 20,000 per month. Every month.

Rob was initially refusing to go past $ 10,000 per month, but Blac Chyna agreed to drop the domestic violence claim against him.

Oh, and Rob also paid Blac Chyna’s legal fees.

But Rob Kardashian’s revenge porn attack against Blac Chyna, made in the wee hours of that fateful Wednesday morning in early July, has yet to be resolved.

As we’re sure that you remember, Rob Kardashian posted private, nude photos of Blac Chyna, sharing images of her naked butt, bare breasts, and even of her vulva.

All because he was angry that she was “cheating” on him, even though they were broken up and she could hook up with whomever she liked.

Now, posting nudes of your ex without their consent is called revenge porn. There used to be a whole website dedicated to it, and there was a very long legal battle that basically one mom went through to get it taken down.

But yes, revenge porn is very, very illegal. And that case with Rob and Chyna has not in any way been resolved.

It sounds like Blac Chyna knows how she wants this to end, however.

TMZ reports that Blac Chyna is seeking 7 figures from Rob Kardashian.

In addition to the personal damages involved in revenge porn, Chyna is reportedly pissed as hell over having lost out on some product endorsement deals.

See, when Rob shared her nudes, he also announced that he’d paid for Chyna to have weight loss surgery. He offered the photos to the world as proof.

(Just to be spiteful, we guess)

So fitness-related endorsements don’t work so well when it’s revealed that you lost weight via surgery instead of with one of those ridiculous weight-loss teas or something.

Which, from what we understand, means that Blac Chyna can seek financial damages to compensate for her losses that were a direct result of Rob’s actions.

TMZ says that if Rob doesn’t go ahead and pony up a sizable check for an out-of-court settlement, then they’ll duke it out in the courtroom.

Given how well-publicized Rob’s actions were, it’s hard to imagine him coming out on top.

RadarOnline‘s source says that Blac Chyna is out for revenge over the revenge porn.

“Chyna wants Rob to pay for what he did to her.”

That sounds fair, honestly.

“She knows what Rob is worth and she wants him to apologize with a huge check.”

You can look at that sort of thing as millionaires getting out of legal trouble by paying a lot of money.

Or you can look at it as a victim getting a better life as a result of what happened to them. There’s more than one kind of justice, you know?

“Chyna wants millions from Rob. Millions. Like seven or eight figures to make up for the nasty things he did to her. And if he doesn’t settle with her on this, she is not afraid to file a civil lawsuit against him”

She’ll be better off settling, because civil lawsuits that are decided by the court tend to have caps on damages that can be awarded.

But Rob might want to save himself the headache and just pay up.
