Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Creepy Stalkers Tried to Ruin My Wedding!

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you’re probably aware that Jenelle Evans got married over the weekend.

You might also be aware that Jenelle called off the wedding less than 24 hours before she was scheduled to walk down the aisle.

Eventually, she changed her mind, she and David exchanged vows, and we would say that everything worked out in the end, but this is the world of Jenelle Evans we’re talking about – a place where there is no happily ever after.

Instead of enjoying her honeymoon phase, Jenelle took to Twitter (where she’s already changed her name to Jenelle Eason) to behave in a very presidential fashion.

By which we mean she a launched on non-stop verbal assault against her perceived enemies.

As usual, Jenelle is going on about her custody battle with Nathan Griffith in a way that probably will only hurt her in court.

Nothing new there, of course.

What’s interesting this time is that Jenelle’s enemies list has expanded to include some of the same media outlets that she often feeds stories too.

Evans claims that reporters representing OK! magazine and Radar Online were camped out in the woods near her house in the hours leading up to her nuptials.

She claims they were the ones who broke the story about her pre-wedding fight with David (though in fairness, that blowout was so loud that anyone of her neighbors could’ve recorded it with a smartphone).

And now, she’s responding the same way she responds to everything single thing that happens to her: with seething rage!

“Don’t write a damn thing about me anymore,” Jenelle tweeted today.

“You send a reporter to my house and secretly recorded me, then ask for exclusive?!” 

Jenelle went on to get downright Trump-ian, claiming that OK! and Radar totally wanted to strike a deal with her, but she’s much too cool for all that.

“Trying to offer us tons of money, you can keep every penny,” she tweeted.

Interestingly, she didn’t deny her fight with David, but chalked the screaming match up to pre-wedding jitters:

“God forbid we both had anxiety the day before our wedding. Find something else to bitch about. My night was great, sorry you weren’t there,” Evans tweeted.

Did she stop there? Ha! That’s a good one!

“No but for real whoever hid in the woods props to you, hope you didn’t get bit by spiders, tics, or a cottonmouth. #Idiots.” Jenelle added.

“I have my own photographer that takes 1 million times better pics then some creepy stalker pics.”

We expect her to announce her 2020 presidential candidacy any day now.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more outbursts from the Carolina Hurricane.
