Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Kylie Jenner Baby Gender: CONFIRMED!

So many questions continue to circulate around Kylie Jenner following the stunning news that she’s pregnant with Travis Scott’s baby.

Will the stars get married? Was this development planned? When, exactly, is the child due?

Now, however, we at least have one answer concerning the tiny human being currently occupying Kylie’s womb…

… IT WILL BE A GIRL!!!!!!!

Rumors that Jenner and Scott would be welcoming a daughter into the world have been floating around the Internet ever since we learned late last week that Kylie is pregnant.

But now TMZ has confirmed the chatter.

According to sources, that website reports that Jenner is expecting a girl and that Scott has been telling friends about the pregnancy for about two months now.

Moreover, Kylie is about five months along, which means a couple things:

  1. She is due right around the same time as Kim Kardashian’s surrogate is due.

  2. She got pregnant VERY soon after she and Scott started dating.

Make of that second point whatever you will.

It may very well answer one of the questions posed above, though.

Neither Kylie herself nor anyone in her immediate family has commented yet on the 20-year old’s unexpected state.

Allegedly, via a People Magazine story on the topic, Kylie is truly “in love” with Scott and “excited” to become a mother.

It certainly is true that she’s talked in the past about wanting to have a big family, but this could have still been accomplished if she wanted a little while.

That’s basically Caitlyn Jenner’s take on her daughter’s situation.

According to a Hollywood Life insider, Caitlyn in  “was really shocked and disappointed to learn that Kylie is pregnant.”

But does the transgender former Olympian approve?

“She thinks Kylie is way too young to have a baby, and that she should have waited until she was in a long term committed relationship,” this insider adds.

Conversely, however, Kris Jenner is stoked about this news.

Because it will help pad her bank account!

“Kris is excited right now and has already started processing how she is going to make money off Kylie’s pregnancy and the birth of her first child,” someone close to the Kardashians told Radar Online, adding:

“She obviously wants to document the entire thing to use the footage for an upcoming season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.”


If Jenner really is this far along, she should start showing soon.

Which means she’ll need to comment on the pregnancy soon.

We’re anxious to hear what she has to say.
