Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tamra Judge Lashes Out at Rumors: Eddie is NOT Gay!

This again?

As you know from our The Real Housewives of Orange County recap, the topic of Tamra Judge’s husband Eddie’s sexuality came up, again.

As soon as the episode aired on the East Coast, Tamra Judge went off in a furious social media rant. One that even she realized went too far, and had to dial back (but we have both versions).

So, Vicki Gunvalson — Queen Bee of The Real Housewives of Orange County and Tamra Judge’s friend-turned-enemy — was with Gretchen Rossi, Lizzie Rovsek, and Kelly Dodd.

Vicki Gunvalson has heard a rumor in the past that Eddie Judge, Tamra Judge’s husband, might be gay.

Vicki has also repeated this, often with a tone of delight, at more or less every opportunity.

The question of Eddie Judge’s sexuality even made it onto that Tamra Judge diss track.

Why? We don’t think that she’s concerned that Eddie Judge is living a lie when he could be living his best life.

Instead, it’s because the rumor seems to really get under Tamra Judge’s skin.

Anyway, this time, Ricky — Tamra’s very close friend — is part of the conversation.

And he claims that he once saw Eddie Judge kissing another man.

That caused a stir, obviously. It’s a dubious claim with zero support, but it’s salacious enough that Vicki would have to know that it would irk Tamra to no end.

And Tamra, on social media, took the bait.

So, as soon as the episode aired on the East Coast — where, we’ll remind you, most shows air three hours earlier (in real time) than on the West Coast because of the time difference — Tamra Judge took to Instagram to post her rebuttal.

Currently, her post says this:

“How orchestrated and wrong was that? The worst acting I’ve ever seen. They are nothing but homophobic bullies that think it’s okay to try and Out a straight man hoping to humiliate him.”

What exactly does it mean to out a straight man?

“Well guess what it didn’t work ! It’s Not the 1920’s and being gay is not something to be ashamed of or mocked. You should all be ashamed of yourself [sic].”

In its current form, Tamra’s post ends like this:

“We all know who was behind this …. bye.”

There’s a lot to unpackage here.

First of all, spreading rumors about someone’s sexuality is never good.

In many cases, it can endanger people. Not Eddie Judge, but … it’s never a good idea.

Even if you know something that somebody did or someone just sets off your very accurate gaydar, it’s bad form to share it.

Also, every part of this conversation about Eddie Judge isn’t just gossip, it’s also bisexual-erasure.

Plenty of straight people have bisexual spouses. Plenty of gay people have bisexual spouses.

Bi folks may be one of the “invisible” minorities because people tend to assume that they’re either gay or straight depending on their most recent partner, but they exist.

(They probably outnumber all of the rest of us combined, actually)

Anyway, so if Vicki’s going ot perpetuate rumors, she could at least refer to a man who’s married to a woman but allegedly has a past witn a man as bisexual.

But … it would still be better to find a new way to get under Tamra’s skin.

Perhaps she could talk about how Tamra Judge’s own daughter wants nothing to do with her, alleging neglect and emotional abuse.

Tamra’s original ending to that post after “you should all be ashamed of yourself [sic],” was a little more accusatory:

“Vicki was 100% behind this and I hope she loses her job just like Phaedra.”

That is … viciously harsh.

Gretchen Rossi then posted her own response on Instagram.

“Talk about reaching, this post takes the cake even for Tamra. Some of my dearest & best friends are part of the LGBTQ community…I am not homophobic in any way!”

Good that she starts by defending herself against accusations of being homophobic.

“No one was trying to ‘out’ anyone….Kelly was only pointing out that Vicki didn’t start the rumor and Lizzie pointed out that Tamra has known about this rumor going around town for years.”

We know … we all saw it.

“By the reaction on all our faces no one could have anticipated what Ricky was going to say when asked if he knew if Eddie was gay (which I only asked him because I knew he had been best friends with Tamra for 13 plus years and if anyone he might know)”

She saves her best point for last, however:

“Besides it’s only ‘outing’ someone if he is actually gay….which she adamantly denies. And just for the record Vicki Did not set anything up!!”

Honestly, whatever she really thinks of Eddie Judge, Vicki should probably cool it with the rumors.

Vicki can be creative and could find something else to use to needle Tamra.

Something that won’t make viewers and fans of the show uncomfortable.

Vicki’s taunts might even hit a little close to home for viewers and fans.

Taunting that someone’s spouse might be gay or bi shouldn’t be part of our society, you know?

Let’s all try to be better. Real Housewives included.
