Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Meghan Markle: I"m Moving In With Prince Harry!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have taken secrecy to a new level with their clandestine relationship.

Sure, we know Harry and Meghan are dating, but that’s about where the officially confirmed information stops.

The Royals don’t want us to know if Harry and Meghan are engaged, or even how long they’ve been together.

Fortunately, Buckingham Palace leaks more than Steve Bannon’s liver.

As a result, we’re able to piece together what’s going on in the relationship, and all signs seem to point to wedding bells in the very near future.

In fact, it looks as though the process has sped up rapidly in recent weeks, with Harry and Meghan eyeing a December or January wedding date.

Last week, Meghan met the Queen, presumably so that Harry could secure the royal matriarch’s approval before going public with his and Markle’s engagement.

Now, in another major step forward, the actress is preparing to bid farewell to North America in order to take up full-time residence in the UK.

Meg is obligated to remain in Toronto, where her USA network drama Suits is filmed, until December.

After that, however, her contract is up, and she’s free to relocate as her heart desires.

(We assume her character will be killed off in dry cleaning-related mishap.)

Not only does Meghan not seem interested in staying on with the show, there are other signs that she’s planning to cross the pond for good in the very near future.

The Daily Mail is reporting today that Markle has “VIP” contract with Audi months ahead of schedule, and is planning to return the QG SUV she’s been driving, with no plans to swap it out for a newer vehicle.

Audi’s are nice and all, but who needs a car when you’ve got a gassed up helicopter ready to whisk you away at a moment’s notice?

In keeping with royal tradition, Meghan has been tight-lipped about the relationship, but many are taking her latest actions as indications that she’ll be moving in with Harry around Christmas.

Meghan covered Vanity Fair last month, and the interview marked the first time she’s spoken about her relationship publicly.

“I’m sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell, but I hope what people will understand is that this is our time,” she told the magazine.

“This is for us. It’s part of what makes it so special, that it’s just ours. But we’re happy. Personally, I love a great love story.”

So do the royal watchers of the world.

And it sounds like this love story is about to get even greater.
