Thursday, September 14, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Baby Name: Finally Revealed?!

Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry has, as fans well know, referred to her son as “Baby Lo” throughout her pregnancy and his short lifetime.

Lo, of course, is derived from the first two letters of Kail’s last name … and the last name of the man who fathered the child, Chris Lopez.

Born one month ago, Baby Lo – who has appeared in many adorable photos – continues to be referred to as such … or has he? 

Has she finally decided on a permanent name for him?

Earlier this week, not long after the precious photo of Lowry’s son with Chris Lopez surfaced, the two appeared a second time.

This time it was on Snapchat instead of Kail’s Instagram story, and the caption to the image sparked all kinds of speculation.

“Murphy Nixon” was written on the photo. OMG, right?!

Wrong. “That’s not his name,” Lowry, 25, told Radar.

“He still doesn’t have a name.”

Okay then.

She swears she’s not holding back, either, and that the reason Baby Lo has been Baby Lo all along is still the one that applies today.

“Chris and I just can’t decide,” Lowry says of naming the child, who joined brothers Isaac, 7, and Lincoln, 3, back on August 5.

The MTV star admitted that week that she had no name picked out … and wasn’t really that close to choosing one either:

“We don’t have a baby name and we don’t have any ideas either. Everything we thought that we liked doesn’t fit him.”

Her fans have tried in vain to assist her.

Before BL’s birth, Lowry asked her online community for help. Top contenders at the time were Murphy, Ripkin, Griffin, Nixon and Silas.

Apparently, none of those monikers made the cut, although Murphy has been talked about within the family … before being shot down.

Lowry said she’s even asked her sons’ advice, and the feedback she received from that was pretty hilarious, because kids will be kids.

“Isaac said Murphy was ‘eh, ok… for a dog,’ and also suggested Francis,” she tweeted. “Linc is still adamant about naming Baby Lo ‘climber.’”

That’s a winner right there!

Climber Lopez has a certain ring to it; Kail’s other suggestions of Griffin, Ripkin and Nixon are reminiscent of Chelsea Houska’s baby.

Her Teen Mom 2 co-star teased earlier this year that her baby boy’s name was more common as a last name, but rarely a first name.

Watson Cole De Boer was born shortly thereafter. Nixon Lowry Lopez? Maybe not. Back to the drawing board once again …

Interestingly, the baby-naming process offered a hint as to who the baby’s father was, before Kail even confirmed that.

When a Twitter fan suggested Holden for the then-unborn child, Kailyn quipped, “Chris would say, ‘I’m Holden the baby."” 

That’s pretty good, whichever one of them came up with it … but more noteworthy at the time was the mention of Chris.

Lopez was totally MIA after they broke up, an event that took place not long after she got pregnant, but has come around.

While still under the radar and camera-shy, he’s been a presence in Lo Jr.’s life so far, which we all hope will continue.

We leave Kailyn and Chris with some baby name inspiration in the form of the gallery below. You’re welcome, guys.
