Friday, September 8, 2017

Brian Austin Green: Who Cares If My Son Wears a Dress?!

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green sure do make some adorable babies, huh?

We know that because so far they"ve created three beautiful boys: four-year-old Noah, three-year-old Bodhi, and one-year-old Journey.

Megan and Brian haven"t shared too many photos of their children over the years, but thanks to paparazzi photos and a handful of social media posts, we"ve had a few good glimpses of these kids.

And, just over a month ago, one of those rare glimpses brought on a whole, whole lot of hate.

See, Megan shared a few photos of her sons, and in one of them, darling little Noah was wearing a dress.

A Frozen dress, to be specific — an adorable Elsa costume.

It was a pretty cute picture, but judging by some of the comments people left, letting a four-year-old wear a dress is basically child abuse.

Some people told her that it was "so sad" that she"s "confusing" Noah like this, while others said it was "disgusting" to let him wear a dress.

One particularly unhinged person even wrote "Putting your son in a dress conforming to the gay trans illuminati agenda. Burn in hell witch! You"re sickening!"

Seems like too many feelings about something that is just not a big deal, right?

And in a new interview, Brian is telling it exactly how it is.

"So yeah," he begins, "my son, you know, he"s four, and I"ve heard from some people that they don"t agree with him wearing dresses."

"To them, I say "I don"t care.""

"He"s four, he continues, "and if he wants to wear it, then he wears it. And it"s dresses, or goggles, or slippers, whatever."

"It"s his life, they"re not my clothes."

Solid points — but he"s not done yet.

"I feel like at four or five," he says (Noah turns five later this month!), "that"s a time when you should be having fun."

"He"s not harming anyone wearing a dress, so if he wants to wear a dress, awesome. Good on him."

Did anyone else just develop a whole, whole lot of appreciation for Brian Austin Green all of a sudden?

Watch his full, amazing interview in the video below:

Brian austin green who cares if my son wears a dress