Thursday, September 28, 2017

Hugh Hefner Dead at 91: Celebrities React

The death of Hugh Hefner sent a shockwave through social media, as celebrities took to social media to express their immediate reactions to the shocking death. 

According to reports, the media mogul died at his home peacefully in his sleep.

He will forever be known as the man who left Esquire behind to launch Playboy. That magazine became an immediate success and solidified Hef as an American icon. 

See the heartfelt celebrity reactions to the death of Hugh Hefner below. 

1. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian blonde in 2017

“RIP to the legendary Hugh Hefner! I’m so honored to have been a part of the Playboy team!” she wrote on Twitter. “You will be greatly missed! Love you Hef!”

2. Paris Hilton

Paris hilton hams it up at lax

Never one to let a celebrity death pass her by, Hilton took to Twitter to air her thoughts on the matter. “So sad to hear the news about @HughHefner. #RIPHef.”

3. Ryan Seacrest

Ryan seacrest at iheartradio music awards

“Rest in peace #HughHefner – he will forever be remembered as the Hollywood legend who lived life to the fullest,” he wrote.

4. Jenny McCarthy

Jenny mccarthy and some cleavage

“RIP #Hef Thank you for being a revolutionary and changing so many people’s lives, especially mine,” she said on Twitter. “I hope I made you proud.”

5. Rob Lowe

Rob lowe photograph

“I had a number of great conversations and with Hugh Hefner,” Lowe shared. “Was such an interesting man. True legend. What an end of an era!”

6. The Weeknd

The weeknd at the grammys

“RIP Hugh Hefner,” said the Weeknd in a short and sweet message.

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