Monday, September 11, 2017

Audrey Roloff Blogs About Baby: Is She Here?!?

As Homer Simpson once said, the Waiting Game sucks.

It’s so much more fun to play Hungry Hungry Hippos.

But this is where Little People, Big World fans are at the moment, forced to bide their time and refresh the Internet on a constant basis, anxious to learn whether Audrey Roloff has delivered her first child yet.

The beloved star was due back on August 31.

It’s unusual in this day and age for someone to go so far past her due date without doctors using medicine to induce her pregnancy, prompting some concern among supporters.

We strongly hope everything is okay and everyone is healthy.

As for whether or not Baby Roloff was born and Audrey and Jeremy are simply spending time with her in private until alerting the world?

That doesn’t appear to be the case, not based on Audrey writing an Instagram post about her this past Saturday.

“We are still waiting on our little girl to come join us in this world,” she wrote, adding along with the image below:

“Every day I get more and more excited to meet her, hold her, stare at her, pray over her, and of course dress her in these cute @shopalwaysmore onesies;)

baby auds?

As she so often does, Roloff went on to wax poetic and spiritual about her pregnant state and the baby in her womb.

“It’s such a crazy thing to wake up every day thinking… “Today could be the day I experience the most pain of my life… followed by one of the most joyous moments of my life. Or, today could be another day of waiting.”

She concluded as follows:

There is scripture in Hebrews 10:35-36 that has been such an encouragement to my heart this week as I hope to remain fearlessly confident, and patiently enduring – both while I wait, and as I labor #41weekspregnant…

 “Do not, therefore, fling away your [fearless] confidence, for it has a glorious and great reward. For you have need of patient endurance [to bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising], so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised.”

Hebrews 10:35-36 #shopalwaysmore #alwaymore #alwaysmorebaby #alwaysmoremilk

When Audrey’s little girl is born, she will become the second grandchild for Amy and Matt Roloff.

Back in May, Tori and Zach Roloff welcomed a boy named Jackson Kyle, who has gone on to become an Internet darling.

Look for the fall season of Little People, Big World to chronicle Audrey’s pregnancy and birth, which means she’s at least giving TLC plenty of material by waiting this long to actually become a mother!

We wish her and Jeremy nothing but the best.
