Friday, September 22, 2017

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle to Announce Engagement THIS WEEK?!

If you follow the lives of the Royals closely, then you’ve probably been wondering for quite some time if Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged.

Despite the fact that they’ve only been together about a year, reports of Harry putting a ring on it have been circulating non-stop in recent months.

And recently, the couple has been under greater scrutiny than ever thanks to a handful of clues that seem to indicate an engagement announcement is imminent.

First, there was Harry and Meghan’s trip to Africa.

Though the safari excursion was ostensibly part of Meghan’s birthday celebration, it was widely reported the real purpose of the two-week vacation was for Harry to pop the question in a romantic locale.

Even after Meghan returned from the trip noticeably ringless, engagement theorists were undeterred.

They speculated that since Royal engagements are such complex affairs, Harry and Meghan were simply holding off on making the announcement until after they received approval from the necessary parties.

When Meghan met the Queen earlier this month, many took it as a sign that she and Harry were seeking the monarch’s approval of their union.

So now that the entire royal hierarchy has supposedly signed off on the engagement, what’s the holdup?

Well, HarMar can’t just post a ring pic on Facebook like a couple of plebes.

They need to announce their engagement in an appropriately ceremonious setting.

And many believe the setting they’ve chosen is the Invictus Games, being held this week in Toronto.

It would be the perfect occasion to reveal their big news for a number of reasons:

For starters, Toronto is where Meghan films Suits, which means it’s served as her home-away-from home for the past several years.

The actress is American by birth, but it makes sense that Harry would prefer to make the announcement in a country that remains a part of the British Empire.

On top of that, the Invictus Games are near and dear to Harry’s heart, and the event has no more visible supporter.

Places and events that are of great emotional significance to Harry have played central roles in his romance with Meghan:

Harry went to Africa with his brother and father shortly after the death of his mother, and it’s widely believed that he proposed around the time of the twentieth anniversary of Princess Diana’s passing.

So it’s not hard to see why Royal obsessives believe a big announcement from Harry and Meghan is forthcoming.

Of course, Harry seems to enjoy being unpredictable, so really it’s anyone’s guess.
