Friday, September 15, 2017

Josh & Jim Bob Duggar Pay Awkward Tribute to Michelle Duggar On Her Birthday

Michelle Duggar turned 51 this week, and as in years past, the Duggar children fought to outdo one another in paying public tribute to their beloved mother.

Hey, we guess the upside of having 19 kids is that birthdays and Mother’s Day are full-blown gift bonanzas.

Anyway, Michelle’s birthday is always a big deal in Duggarville for obvious reasons.

Not only did she bring a small army into the world, but at this point, Michelle is basically the most scandal-free adult in the Duggar clan these days.

As we said, the Duggars went all out in their contest to prove who loves Michelle the most, and fans believe a clear winner has emerged.

But first, the runners-up:

If you know anything about them, you’re probably aware that the Duggars have very strict rules about sex (read: Unless it results in a baby, they pretty much think it’s the devil’s business).

And what does that have to do with Michelle’s birthday?

Well, husband Jim Bob decided to mark the occasion by showing the world that he and Michelle totally still do the sex:

Unfortunately, he was about as convincing as the kid in your high school with the Canadian model girlfriend no one’s ever met.

Look at that awkward embrace at the end!

That is a kiss between two people who haven’t seen one another’s genitals in a very long time.

Speaking of folks who make you cringe just by being alive, Josh Duggar also paid video tribute to Michelle.

As you probably know, Josh isn’t allowed on his family’s reality show, what with being an admitted sexual predator and all.

But that doesn’t mean he won’t take opportunities like this to show the world he’s still camera-ready.

At this point, Michelle was probably just praying for her birthday to come to an end.

Fortunately, Jessa Duggar came through with a blog post that received heaps of praise from fans of the family:

“You let us make forts in the living room using couch cushions, sheets, and dining chairs. We saw you take joy in our childlike joy and laughter, and we saw Jesus in you,” she wrote.

“I remember the smell of the perfume you wore when I was little, and it is still one of my favorites to this day because it reminds me of you,” Jessa continued.

“We girls always felt so grown up when you would let us wear it on special occasions. I remember us begging you to do our hair just like yours, and we would beam as daddy would tell us “You’re beautiful– just like your Mama!’”

Michelle liked the post so much she shared on the Duggars’ official Facebook page.

We guess there’s no question about who the favorite kid is this week.

We knew it was never gonna be Josh, but we thought maybe Jana had a chance?

Of course, she was probably too busy scrubbing dishes to pen a loving tribute to Michelle.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
