Monday, September 25, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: New Girlfriend Confirmed?!

Kailyn Lowry might be getting along with Chris Lopez, father of her newborn who is still known to the world only as “Baby Lo” even though she finally picked out a baby name.

But it looks like Kailyn Lowry is dating someone else altogether.

In fact, fans believe that Kailyn is dating her friend Dom. But are they girlfriends or just gal pals?

Before we get into why it looks like Kailyn has a new lady love, we just want to remind people that this wouldn’t be a shocking revelation.

Kailyn might be famous because of her pregnancies (the first most of all), but she’s been open about her sexuality in the past.

Famously, Kailyn said this about her personal sexuality label and about attraction:

“Do I have to be gay or straight? Can’t I just love people?”

(We’re not going to tell anyone how to label themselves, but Bi Visibility Week was literally just last week … Saturday was Bi Visibility Day … just putting that out there. The “B” in LGBT doesn’t stand to Bronies, folks)

So, as interested as we are in Kailyn’s love life, her dating a woman wouldn’t be a first.

Now, as to why fans believe that these two are an item:

First, Dominique Potter — known as Dom — was spotted wearing a Kailyn Lowry necklace.

As in, a necklace with Kailyn’s name on it.

That’s not something that most of us would do — wear a necklace with our friend’s name on it — unless we were dating.

(We have seen couples wear jewelry with each other’s names on them)

But most of us aren’t friends with reality stars.

You could see someone doing that just as a “nod” to their friend’s celebrity status.

Second, Dom went on Snapchat and referred to her as Kailyn’s “girlfriend.”

Specifically, she wrote:

“Take your girlfriend to work day.”

Now, “girlfriend” is — to the eternal frustration of women who love women throughout the English-speaking world — an aggressively ambiguous label.

Straight will talk about their “girlfriends” when they literally just mean their friends who are girls.

A girl will use that exact same term for her actual girlfriend whom she dates, so you sometimes have to wonder about someone’s meaning.

Thirdly, Kailyn referred to Dom as her girlfriend on Twitter, tweeting:

“That’s my girlfriend @dp​_one_four”

The context?

Someone else tweeted their thirst for Dom at Kailyn, saying this:

“@KailLowry can I just say I’m [drooling emoji] over your friend she is so damn hot ! [heart eyes emoji]”

Correcting “friend” to “girlfriend,” as Kailyn appears to be doing, is a lot less ambiguous than “take your girlfriend to work day.”

We think that the context of Kailyn replying to another girl’s thirst for Dom implies the romantic version of the word “girlfriend,” right?

And then things get even clearer.

Dom quoted Kailyn’s tweet, and after adding a kiss-blowing emoji, wrote this:

“They gotta stop calling me just your friend smh.”

Which … is about as close as you’ll get to confirmation without a photo of the two making out.

We still can’t absolutely positively call them an item without qualifications unless Kailyn says “yes this is my girlfriend; I am dating her.”

But we’d wait for similar confirmation for straight couples who are also definitely dating.

Congratulations to them both!
