Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Ami Brown: Out of the Hospital, Still in Grave Condition

We have some relatively good news, Alaskan Bush People fans:

Ami Brown is out of the hospital.

The matriarch of the family at the center of this Discovery Channel reality show, Brown was diagnosed several months ago with lung cancer.

And it’s very serious.

The disease has reached Stage 4 and the prognosis is grim. That’s the bad news here:

Even with Brown out of the hospital and free from doctor supervision for a bit, the Facebook page “Alaskan Bush People Exposed” writes that the star remains weak and frail.

“Ami update: She is not in the hospital, however chemotherapy / radiation has taken its toll on her, and she is not well enough to start filming yet,” the account wrote on Monday, adding:

“Filming has been delayed. They are still in CA except for Noah and Rhain/Ruth. They were spotted in Idaho of all places!”

ab update

In order to find Ami the best medical care possible, her husband and most of her children relocated from their famous remote enclave in Alaska to southern California, at least for a few weeks.

There’s been talk that Alaskan Bush People Season 8 will find the Browns in Colorado, but nothing has been confirmed just yet.

Not even whether or not there even will be an Alaskan Bush People Season 8.

A lot will depend on Ami, of course, who is tragically not expected to live for very much longer.

An earlier report, for example, claimed Brown was on her death bed.

But she’s still here. That has to mean something. And we’re like to remain as hopeful as Ami herself has been throughout this ordeal.

“Worrying about it only makes it worse,” Ami told People Magazine this summer of her condition, adding at the time:

“There is hope and that hope is having faith in God. You can’t give up. I tell people be happy. Just be happy. It’s a choice.

“Things can be hard and you just want to curl up but you have to shine.”

What an admirable attitude, right?

It’s one her family members are trying to emulate, but it’s difficult under these circumstances.

“She’s the strongest person I know, so if she’s saying it hurts, it really hurts,” Billy Brown also told People several weeks back.

He continued in his interview as follows:

“She tries to hide it from everybody but four or five times a day she bends over like a baby and cries.”

We really can’t imagine what this family is going through.

Forget Season 8 of their show and forget what the future may or may not hold for them in front of the camera.

We’re simply sending our thoughts and prayers to Ami as she does battle with this awful illness. We wish her nothing but the best.
