Sunday, September 17, 2017

Ariel Winter: I"m Not a Whore, I Just Like My Butt!

Don’t you just absolutely love Ariel Winter?

Of course you do — what’s not to love?

That’s a serious question, by the way.

Because from where we’re sitting, we honestly can’t see one single major flaw with this amazing lady.

Ariel is so beautiful, and she’s so, so talented — we’ve been seeing proof of that in all the years that she’s been on Modern Family.

We also know that she’s ridiculously strong, because let’s be real, it must have taken so much for her to be able to get through her family issues.

Just think: she survived her mother’s insane rules and restrictions from the time she was a toddler.

She wasn’t allowed to have friends that were girls because they were “competition,” she was fed a very restrictive diet while she was a growing child so that she wouldn’t gain weight.

According to court documents in the case against her mother, she was physically and emotionally abused, so much that she was placed in her older sister’s custody when she was 14 years old.

And then, when she was just 15, she was emancipated.

Imagine working a full-time job and being responsible for your entire wellbeing at just 15 years old. Really just think about it.

Are you getting a healthy sense of appreciation for this girl yet?!

Besides all the character she’s shown in dealing with all those problems with so much grace, she’s also a total champion when it comes to her haters.

Because, in case you hadn’t heard about it, Ariel sometimes wears tight and/or revealing clothing.

And there are plenty of people who just love to criticize her for that.

She’s been called a whore, a slut, and some people have theorized that she’s literally a prostitute because she wears short shorts and low-cut tops.

It’s a little insane, to say the least.

But because of all that strength and character we mentioned earlier, Ariel is pretty good at dealing with that level of body-shaming and slut-shaming.

And she proved that in her new interview with the Hollywood Reporter.

At one point, she discussed her Modern Family character, Alex, who is known for her intelligence and who doesn’t share Ariel’s fashion sense.

“I do wish,” she said, “we could get out of the stigma that girls who are smart have to dress down and not care about appearance.”

“If you want to wear a short skirt and show your body like I do,” she explained, “it doesn’t mean you’re a whore. And it doesn’t mean you’re not one.”

“People call me stupid because I post photos of my butt when the real thing is, I love my butt. I love butts!”

Finally, a voice we can get behind.

“Why stifle yourself because other people can’t handle it?” she asked.

This isn’t the first time she’s spoken out about this topic, but it’s always such a treat to hear, isn’t it?
