Friday, September 8, 2017

Royals to Meghan Markle: Stop Blabbing About Your Relationship With Harry!

Last week, the October issue of Vanity Fair debuted, with Meghan Markle as the surprising cover subject.

In all likelihood, Meghan wasn’t chosen because of her role on Suits, the favorite basic cable legal drama of aunts everywhere.

Instead, Meghan was selected because of her high-profile relationship with Prince Harry, and she didn’t disappoint when it came to finally addressing the romance publicly:

Yes, even though we’ve known Meghan and Harry are dating for nearly a year, both parties had remained tight-lipped about their situation.

Meghan finally broke her silence in her latest interview, finally confirming that she and Harry are an item, an announcement that’s only made somewhat less climactic by the fact that it’s been common knowledge since October of 2016.

“I can tell you that at the end of the day I think it’s really simple,” Markle said in response to a question about her relationship.

“We’re two people who are really happy and in love.”

Not exactly epic tea spillage, but a far more candid statement than we’re used to hearing from royal insiders.

So perhaps it’s no surprise that the Queen and company are reportedly pissed?

“Royal critics can’t believe Meghan would make such a bold move by declaring her love for Prince Harry in a magazine interview,” a source tells the Celebrity Dirty Laundry website.

“[If Markle] opens up about her Prince Harry romance in another interview, it might jeopardize their future altogether.”

Now, for obvious reasons this statement is being called into question by many.

But even if the source is bogus, it still seems likely that the Royals would be wary of a Hollywood actress who’s infiltrated their ranks.

In all likelihood, Meghan has been extensively briefed on what sort of statements she’s allowed to make to the media.

And it’s for that reason we find it hard to believe that her VF comment was an off-the-cuff remark that she now regrets.

What seems more likely is that after a year of dating and a possible engagement announcement on the way, Meghan was finally given the okay to discuss her relationship publicly.

There are downsides to dating a prince, and the demand for secrecy is one of them.

Come to think of it, that might actually be the only one.

Meghan’s got it pretty good these days.
