Thursday, September 28, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Pregnant With Baby #4?!

It’s been less than a week since Jenelle Evans married David Eason, but it looks like the Carolina Hurricane already has more big news on the horizon.

No, Jenelle isn’t already on the verge of divorce yet (as far as we know), but those rumors should be coming along shortly.

We’re talking instead about the latest round of Jenelle pregnancy rumors.

Now, before we go any further, we should note that anytime Jenelle’s not admittedly pregnant, there are rumors that she’s secretly pregnant.

Of course, with Jenelle’s history of lying about being pregnant, it’s not hard to see why fans are constantly suspicious.

And so, they scrutinize every photo in search of baby bumps or other signs that Ms. Evans-Eason is secretly expecting.

This time they believe they’ve found conclusive evidence, but we still have our doubts.

We present exhibit A:

That’s a photo from Jenelle’s wedding and the people who print out her Instagram posts and examine them under high-powered microscopes like they’re in a freakin’ CSI lab are convinced it’s hard proof that she’s expecting.

Based on that pic and a recent Snapchat video, fans are basically already knitting wool booties for Jenelle’s fifth child.

“Can everyone stop what they’re doing and go look at the snap Jenelle just posted?” wrote one eager fan.

“If that’s not pregnant, I don’t know what is!!!”

“OK, wasn’t a big believer of Jenell being pregnant, but after seeing her snap, wow that’s a round belly!!” wrote another, equally-psyched procreation enthusiast.

This may be the most boring stance to take on this, but having checked out the evidence, we feel that if Jenelle is pregnant, it’s simply too early to tell.

Jenelle hasn’t responded to the rumors herself, but in a pre-wedding interview with E! News, she and David revealed that they believe daughter Ensley Jolie will be the only child they’ll have together.

“I think we’re good. We have a lot of kids together,” Jenelle told the outlet.

“We already have so many kids and it’s really time-consuming, it’s hectic. We don’t get that much time for just ourselvesm,” Eason added.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for reminders of how hard Jenelle and David are struggling to retain custody of the kids they already have.
