Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Duggar Fans: Put Josh Back On TV!

You might feel that just about every time you read something about the Duggar family, it’s news of a new scandal or controversy.

Stories that point out the family’s apparent hypocrisy and inability or unwillingness to live in accordance with the values they espouse publicly are especially common.

It’s not hard to see why critics and former fans would revel in evidence that the Duggars aren’t praciticing what they preach.

After all, it’s hard to think of another famous family that suffered a fall from grace as swift and brutal as the one that befell the Counting On clan in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

Josh’s crimes were horrific, and the efforts to help him evade prosecution were almost as appalling.

As a result, nearly 18 months later, many still see the family’s misfortunes as grounds for celebration.

Perhaps it’s unfair as most of the family was not complicit in Josh’s crimes, but it’s an understandable reaction, as many seem to hope that each Duggar scandal will be the last, and the family will finally be forced to leave the public eye.

And, of course, it’s not just the Josh scandals that have earned the Duggars such a vocal contingent of critics.

The family’s extremely conservative beliefs basically set them up for failure, and as a result instances of Duggar hypocrisy are remarkably common. 

And because the family purports to uphold a position of moral authority, those instances are gleefully pointed out by the same people who have been condemned to hell by the Duggars belief system.

We certainly understand it’s appeal, but sometimes, all that anti-Duggar news leaves us with the feeling that we’re living in a bubble.

Surely, someone must still be pulling for these people, right?

Yes, a quick trip through some popular Duggar fan pages reveals that there are quite a few folks out there who still support Jim Bob and company.

Not only that, but judging by the comments on a recent photo of Josh and Anna’s daughter, many of those folks are pushing a truly bizarre agenda:

“I’m still so upset that they can’t feature Josh,” one fan commented. “How do they get to be a testimony of God’s redemptive power if they can’t show the healing?”

“Put Josh back with his family please,” wrote another.

“TLC won’t allow them to feature Josh but I’m surprised in the Duggar family page they don’t show the kid’s with their parents,”

Yes, there are folks on the internet–the same internet you’re using right now!–who not only support the Duggars, but also want more Josh in their lives.

Finding comments like this is like stumbling into a bizarro world full of Trump supporters who wish the Access Hollywood tape was even longer.

We suppose we can understand turning a blind eye to the Duggars’ indiscretions so that you can continue to support them relatively guilt-free.

Denial is a powerul force, after all.

But begging TLC to put a known child molester back on television?

That’s something we’ll simply never be able to make sense of.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
