Friday, October 20, 2017

Jenelle Evans to Kailyn Lowry: Shut Your Bitch Ass Up!!!

Do you remember way back in the early days of Teen Mom 2 when Jenelle Evans and Kailyn Lowry were friends?

Man, what happened?

Back then, we imagine they formed a bond because of their troubled home lives, but as the years went on, Kailyn has gotten a bit more stable while Jenelle …

Well, we all know what’s happened to Jenelle.

Their friendship fell apart a good while ago, but they’ve been cordial enough with each other, or at least they were until earlier this year.

But it’s sort of hard to remain cordial with someone when they leak your big pregnancy news to their thousands upon thousands of Twitter followers.

“Congrats on your pregnancy girl!” Jenelle tweeted to Kailyn back in the winter — before Kailyn had even confirmed the pregnancy news herself.

“Heard the news from the crew,” she claimed. “Super happy for you. Having 3 is hard but totally worth it!”

This really bothered Kailyn, because as she explained in the episode of Teen Mom 2 that documented this moment in time, “My pregnancy has been hard and I wasn’t really telling anyone. I didn’t want to talk about it in public or anything.”

She also said that while Jenelle had claimed that she heard the news from the crew, “I talked to MTV and I don’t think the crew leaked it.”

“I don’t know if she was doing it to be a smart ass or if she was doing it thinking she was really congratulating me.”

Kailyn then pointed out that if she sincerely wanted to congratulate her, she could have, you know, texted her instead of making such a public statement.

Jenelle tried to say that Javi Marroquin was actually the one who leaked the news, which doesn’t quite make sense, because lots of people definitely heard about the pregnancy from her tweet.

But the two moms were able to work things out.

This time though?

It’s probably safe to say their relationship is permanently damaged, if not completely destroyed.

The issue between Kailyn and Jenelle this time around centers around Jenelle’s most recent threats to quit the show.

You see, she was very, very upset about a recent episode, one that made her and David Eason look like awful, shady, abusive people.

In one scene, we saw producers pull up to their home for a scheduled day of filming, but Jenelle texted them and told them to leave because they’d been fighting all day and she didn’t want to film.

They were hesitant to actually leave until David sent his own text threatening to call the police if they weren’t gone in five minutes.

The next day, the crew came back, but she wasn’t too eager to talk about the fight. And when David showed up, he claimed that they hadn’t been fighting at all.

He told producers they were lying about any fight, and all the while Jenelle stared at the ground. It was a weird, unsettling scene.

Later, they were doing a little photo shoot for their Save the Date photos while the kids were playing nearby.

Poor little Kaiser tried to check out a camera, and Jenelle yelled at him while David yanked him by the arm to lead him away so they could keep taking their cheesy pictures.

During one particularly depressing moment, we saw Kaiser, red-faced and sobbing, scream “feed me!”, but Jenelle just kept right on with the photo shoot.

The day after the episode aired, she made a statement on Instagram about how “uncalled for” the episode was.

“I have decided after this season I’m probably calling it quits for filming this show,” she said.

Of course, this isn’t the first time she’s threatened to quit over a “bad edit,” but this time, she seems especially fired up about how bad she looks on the show.

So where does Kailyn come into all this?

She made some comments about Jenelle in an interview of her own — pretty tame comments, given the circumstances. Essentially, she just said that she disagreed with her statements about how manipulative MTV can be with their footage.

But what Jenelle really seems to be upset about is a comment Kailyn made on Twitter.

After that fateful episode aired, the official MTV Twitter account tweeted a gif of Kaiser screaming “feed me!”, along with the caption “Literally me” and some pizza emojis.

A lot of people thought the tweet was in poor taste, and Kailyn was one of those people — she replied with “There’s nothing funny about this.”

And, according to a source who spoke with Radar Online, that’s what set Jenelle off.

“Jenelle texted Kail and told her she shouldn’t be making ‘bitch ass comments’ about her life unless he knows the full story,” the source claims.

“She complained about coming under fire on social media for not feeding her son.”

… Because that’s Kailyn’s fault? Sure, Jenelle.

The source also says that Jenelle told Kailyn not to speak to her at the reunion this weekend.

“She told Kail that she hasn’t filmed and doesn’t plan on it because of girls like her on the show.”

Hilariously, Kailyn wasn’t all that bothered by Jenelle’s misguided outrage, so she apparently just tried to shut the conversation down with a simple “Have a nice day.”

To which Jenelle responded “You too you bitch.”

This should be one heck of a reunion show, huh?!
