Monday, October 2, 2017

21 Hottest Bachelors in ABC"s History: Who"s #1?!

With Arie Luyendyk Jr. confirmed to be the Bachelor and ready to capture the hearts of the Bachelor Nation this winter, it"s time again to talk about this:

Which Bachelor is the hottest Bachelor?

After all, even if ABC does scour the Earth for eligible gentlemen who are the total package … not all hunks are created equal.

Arie Luyendyk Jr. will be the leading man on The Bachelor"s 22nd season, making him the show"s 21st Bachelor (since Brad Womack got two bites at the apple … and yet didn"t get a happily ever after either time).

Obviously, not everyone in the Bachelor Nation is totally agreed on who"s hot and who"s not, since aesthetics are subjective. But honestly, isn"t the debate over this kind of thing part of the fun?

Arie Luyendyk Jr. is a controversial choice for The Bachelor, as it meant that showrunners passed over fan favorite Peter Kraus and made what felt like a random choice of a man who reportedly dumped his real life girlfriend for the role just two days before the decision was announced.

Take a look at the ghosts of Bachelors past and see for yourself who"s the hottest of the hot and who"s the "well I wouldn"t say no" of the hot. And please, let"s try to be as objective as possible.

Or not. Again, having different opinions is all part of the fun. How would you order these men?

21. Sean Lowe

Bachelor sean lowe photo

Hello there, Sean Lowe! This Bachelor ranks among the show’s best looking, and for good reason, though his good-guy personality carries more than its share of weight here as well.

20. Chris Soules

Prince farming

Chris Soules was nicknamed Prince Farming for a reason. That reason was because he is a farmer by trade, and is quite charming. So it was a clever play on words to say the least. Somehow it didn’t last between Chris and Whitney Bischoff, most likely because he lives in small-town Arlington, Iowa. Better luck next time?

19. Nick Viall

Viall selfie

From a pure looks standpoint, Nick Viall would be the first to tell you that he can’t hold a candle to Sean or Chris … but he’s been “hot” enough to nearly get engaged to TWO Bachelorette stars, AND get the nod from ABC, so that tells you a lot actually.

18. Travis Stork

Travis stork md

Travis Stork isn’t just a hunk and a gentleman. He is a doctor, people.

17. Andrew Firestone

Andrew firestone pic

Andrew Firestone is a contender for Hottest Bachelor Ever. Might he win?

16. Ben Higgins

Ben higgins in a white t shirt

Ben Higgins was your Bachelor for 2016. Things with Lauren Bushnell didn’t quite work out, but viewed solely through the lens of hotness, he ranks pretty high up there, right?

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