Monday, October 2, 2017

Jenelle Evans: SLAMMED By Fans For Latest Pic of Kids!

Jenelle Evans isn’t likely to be shortlisted for any mom of the year awards anytime soon.

That said, the Carolina Hurricane is sometimes unfairly maligned by Teen Mom 2 fans for what they see as negligent or abusive parenting.

To be clear, sometimes Jenelle deserves every bit of the condemnation she receives from fans, and if the latest child abuse allegations against Evans are true, then her kids need to be relocated to a safer environment immediately.

(Of course, those allegations come from Nathan Griffith, whose relationship with the truth is shaky at best, so we’ll hold off on condemning Jenelle until the courts decide the case.)

But there are many other cases in which the Jenelle is slammed for bad parenting in a fashion that trivializes the many ways in which she’s actually terrible. 

In the past, Jenelle has been criticized for endangering her son Kaiser by failing to follow certain safety precautions.

Now, the concern-trolls are back to once again inform the world that Jenelle has failed as a mother.

As you can see, that’s a photo of Jenelle’s husband, sons, and stepdaughter in a hot tub.

Three-year-old Kaiser appears to be wearing a flotation device, but that’s not enough for some fans.

“Shouldn’t a three-year-old not be in a hot tub?” wrote one of Jenelle’s followers.

“You should get the kids out of the hot tub,” echoed another.

“I do know that boys under the age of 18 shouldn’t be in a hot tub,” added a third.

Really, people?

We shouldn’t allow 17-year-olds in hot tubs, because we don’t trust them not to drown in three feet of water?

Now, to be fair, the American Red Cross does advise that children under five should not use hot tubs due to a number of health risks.

“Children can’t cope physically with the heat, which may cause hypothermia and other harmful effects,” says the organization’s website.

Of course, as many fans have pointed out, the temperature in a hot tub can easily be adjusted, and since they live in the South, and this is one of the warmest early autumns in recorded history, it’s very likely that the tub really isn’t that hot at all.

Folks, don’t get us wrong – we’re all for piling on Jenelle when she really deserves it, but let’s save our criticisms for those occasions, mmm-kay?

We’re sure she’ll mess up again soon, but in the meantime, watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Mrs. Evans-Eason’s many past blunders.
