Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Harvey Weinstein and Georgina Chapman: It"s Over!

There are some cases where, for reasons that the public can seldom understand, the wife of a man accused of something as simple as cheating or as monstrous as sexual assault will stand by her man. That’s the whole premise of The Good Wife, sort of.

That’s not true of every wife, however.

After all of the accusations against Harvey Weinstein that have come out into the open and been made public, Georgina Chapman is parting ways with the former big-name studio executive after ten years of marriage.

Considering that Harvey Weinstein has been fired from his own company — the Weinstein Company — it’s not all that surprising that his wife is taking drastic steps, too.

After these kinds of allegations, it would be hard to understand anyone who wouldn’t put some distance between themselves and the accused.

First came the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment accusations in a New York Times expose.

After decades of rumors, the biggest surprise wasn’t the nature of the accusations so much as that the article was actually published. A lot of the times, powerful people pull strings and call in favors to make problems go away.

Some of the allegations were creepy but not damning — stories about him promising young actresses that he’d boost their careers if they did certain things for him. That’s gross, but there are situations (clearly not involving Weinstein) where both parties might consent to that sort of arrangement in a way that would benefit everyone.

The other accusations that came out in that same expose — about coercing women to drink and watch him shower, about pulling out his penis without invitation and masturbating before an unwilling audience — were beyond just creepy. Some of those things are crimes and none of them are okay.

Things looked bleak for Harvey Weinstein, and he was condemned by major names in Hollywood. But accusations sexual misconduct is something that a lot of powerful men can and do somehow get past

Hell, some people who are accused of sexual assault and also famously recorded bragging about it go on to become President. Men with money can get away with a lot.

Then, yesterday, the New Yorker released more — allegations of Harvey Weinstein committing sexual assault again and again and again.

A number of actresses came forward as accusers, and his is now accused of outright rape. 

Suddenly, his powerful former friends are returning his donations but not his calls.

Weinstein’s career is almost certainly history at this point. And so, it seems, is his marriage.

Georgina Chapman is a British actress and designer.

Now 41, she married Harvey Weinstein in 2007.

The couple has two children together: India Pearl, who is 7 years old, and Dashiell Max Robert, who is 4.

In a statement to People, Georgina Chapman reveals that she and Harvey Weinstein are separating.

“My heart breaks for all the women who have suffered tremendous pain because of these unforgivable actions. I have chosen to leave my husband. Caring for my young children is my first priority and I ask the media for privacy at this time.”

We’ve seen a number of extremely bad takes on Harvey Weinstein since this story began to break, but his wife’s statement is exactly on point.

First, she expresses sympathy for his victims.

Second, she makes it clear that sexual assault is unforgivable — which it is.

Third, she announces that she’s leaving Harvey Weinstein.

And fourth, she emphasizes that she’s putting her children first, which is what every parent should always, always do.

Rose McGowan is naming names, exposing people whom she claims knew about Weinstein’s pattern of predatory behavior and either did nothing or participated in the cover-up.

(Honestly, bless Rose McGowan for having zero chill about anything, ever)

Harvey Weinstein already seems like he’s toast, but it could cost others — possibly even Ben Affleck — his career.

Something tells us that there are more accusations against Harvey Weinstein out there that just haven’t come to light yet.

Things looked bleak for Harvey Weinstein, and he was condemned by major names in Hollywood. But accusations sexual misconduct is something that a lot of powerful men can and do somehow get past

Hell, some people who are accused of sexual assault and also famously recorded bragging about it go on to become President. Men with money can get away with a lot.

Then, yesterday, the New Yorker released more — allegations of Harvey Weinstein committing sexual assault again and again and again.

A number of actresses came forward as accusers, and his is now accused of outright rape. 

Suddenly, his powerful former friends are returning his donations but not his calls.

Weinstein’s career is almost certainly history at this point. And so, it seems, is his marriage.
