Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sofia Richie and Scott Disick: Planning to Elope?!

Once upon a time, Scott Disick was one of the most likeable people on Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Fast-forward to 2017, and you’d probably cross the street if you saw him coming up the sidewalk.

Well, now Scott Disick is dating Sofia Richie, and no one can blame Lionel Richie for feeling scared to death.

That paternal fear might turn to terror when he sees Sofia Richie’s post. Are she and Scott planning to elope?

The world knew that Scott Disick, after going on a boozey tour of various 19-year-old models since last spring, was dating Sofia Disick.

But they finally made things Instagram official when Sofia shared photos from their creepy Mexico vacation.

To clarify, Mexico wasn’t what was creepy about it, and neither was Sofia.

Seeing a guy like Scott Disick making out with a teenage girl on jet skis doesn’t really engender the most positive feelings in a lot of people. The guy has kids.

Now, Scott and Sofia are vacationing in Italy, which would almost be fine on its own … except that we worry that they might be moving too quickly in their relationship.

Way, way too quickly.

Here they are, clearly enjoying the canals in Venice after presumably searching for the least polluted and therefore most picturesque canal for a photo op.

(Venice is lovely but the water can be full of city litter, which really cuts down on the “romantic” atmosphere)

Sofia Richie paired the photo with this caption:

“Run away with it.”

Whoa there.

Maybe she’s just talking about their “runaway romance” or whatever she thinks that this is.

But we have to say that this looks like she might be hinting at something much more serious and more worrisome.

When we see a couple and the words “run away,” we think of elopement.

Before you say “no, they wouldn’t do anything so stupid,” please consider that Sofia is a lovestruck teenager and … every decision that Scott has made in 2017.

We can believe it, even though we don’t want to.

Whether they read this as a hint at elopement plans, which would be massively premature, or just saw a picture of the couple and just had to comment, Instagram followers were quick to pick apart Sofia and Scott’s relationship.

One commenter wrote:

“That literally look like her uncle.”

They’re not wrong.

Another saw someone refer to the couple as “amazing” and couldn’t let that slide.

“Are you insane??!! He’s a drunk & shes still so young!!! Nothing amazing about that!! Not being a hater but let’s get real!!!!”

It’s hard to argue with any of that. There’s more wisdom on social media than you might think.

One piece of sage advice seemed to come from a follower who read Sofia’s caption the same way that we did.

“You’re gonna lose another 10 years of your youth Just like Kourtney or he’s gonna leave u with a baby and then disappear.”

That’s a grim prophecy but … it doesn’t seem like an unlikely scenario.

Sofia is young. Maybe she’s lovestruck and just lacks the life experience to see Scott for the walking disaster that he is.

Actually, screw that — there are plenty of 19-year-olds who can see that Scott Disick is bad news.

But maybe he has Sofia wrapped around his little finger. Maybe Sofia thinks that she can “fix” him.

We can understand why this relationship “makes sense,” from Scott’s perspective.

To him, Sofia might be a stabilizing influence while still being a barely legal teenage model, which is apparently his type.

Let’s hope that one of them, at least, has the wisdom to not make a difficult-to-reverse decision that could set Sofia’s life on a less-than-ideal course for years to come.
