Monday, October 23, 2017

Caitlin McHugh: Engaged to John Stamos!!!!!!!!!!

In the video above, John Stamos helps a man propose to his girlfriend.

It’s very funny and extremely romantic.

The beloved former Full House star, however, needed no assistance from any other attractive actor in order to pop a very similar question himself.

How do we know this?

Because John Stamos is now engaged to Caitlin McHugh!!!!!!

The 54-year old stud muffin confirmed this exciting piece of news on Sunday night in positively adorable fashion.

Along with a beautiful illustration of a man in a suit and a woman in a dress, the actor wrote the following to his 2.2 million Instagram followers:

“I asked…she said yes! …And we lived happily ever after.”

In case this message wasn’t clear, Stamos also included an engagement ring emoji. Hooray!

JS engagement

Stamos geo-tagged the image from Disneyland (the illustrated couple is standing in front of Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle), making us think he asked for McHugh’s hand in marriage while they were at this very popular locale.

Based on many previous social media photos, it’s clear the couple often spends time at The Happiest Place on Earth.

They celebrated McHugh’s birthday there in May, for example.

Stamos, meanwhile. was previously married to Rebecca Romijnfrom from 1998 through 2005.

He and his now-fiancee have been dating since March of last year.

As for where you may know McHugh from?

The brunette actress has appeared in The Vampire Diaries and in Switched at Birth, while also earning a role in the Will Smith movie, Am Legend.

The occasional model has also has appeared on an episode of ABC’s Castle on a 2011 installment  of Law & Order: SVU.

And while millions of women around the world may now be sad that Stamos is spoken for, the actor can at least take solace in knowing McHugh is very welcome on the set of Fuller House.

“They all love her more than me. They’re like, ‘Is Caitlin coming?"” he joked to Entertainment Tonight this past spring, adding:

“We don’t care about you, is Caitlin coming?"”

Earlier this year, the happy couple completed a short film titled Ingenueish, which Stamos directed and in which McHugh starred.

“They say if you can do a film together, you can do anything together,” the actress quipped at the time, adding:

“I’m very happy to say we survived the filming process and we’re in editing now. We’re both still alive so it’s great!”

And we’re so very happy for these gorgeous stars!
