Thursday, October 19, 2017

Bill Murray Proves Once Again Why He"s the Best

Bill Murray enjoyed himself quite the Wednesday night.

The beloved actor attended Game Four of the National League Championship Series, watching his Chicago Cubs earn their first victory of this playoff round by a tight score of 3-2.

But that wasn"t all.

He also helped met a married couple named Robbie and Kirsten Schloss and helped them make an announcement of a lifetime:

They"re expecting a baby!

“Hey, I got news for you. You’re gonna be grandparents,” Murray says in the clip below.

Adds an excited Robbie: “We’re having a baby!”

Robbie, who will become a first-time father in April, expounded on what happened in a post published to the Love What Matters Facebook page.

“We talked casually during the game and he playfully switched glasses with Kirsten for a minute since his shades make the entire stadium turn blue,” he wrote.

“After the Cubs win, I told Bill I needed him to make our pregnancy announcement.

"Kirsten struggled with fertility so we decided not to make it public at first but this was too fun to pass up."

This has sort of become Murray"s thing.

As you can see below, he once photobombed a couple"s engagement photo shoot:

And we"ll never forget when he also crashed a bachelor party, actually giving a heartfelt and hilarious toast in the process.

Seriously, remember the following video?

There was also the time he went viral for dancing to Turn Down for What.

Bill Murray is the greatest, that"s all we"re saying.

Check out his pregnancy announcement now:

Bill murray helps cubs fans announce pregnancy watch cheer