Monday, October 23, 2017

Kailyn Lowry LOSES IT After Seeing Javi Marroquin on Life Support!

If you"ve been following the couple"s bizarre trajectory from married parents of a young boy to bitter enemies to eager partners in a wide array of professional projects, then you"re probably already aware that Kailyn and Javi appear in the current season of Marriage Boot Camp.

The minor detail that they"re not married–and thus, presumably not in need of the boot camp treatment–apparently didn"t serve as a deal-breaker for either the show"s producers or the former couple.

That"s probably a good thing, as MBC is really just a platform for celebrity couples to air their dirty laundry, and not much in the way of actual marital counseling takes place on the series.

True to its name, however, when the show does feature exercises designed to bring its subjects closer together, it takes the Full Metal Jacket approach by reducing the participants to emotional puddles on the floor.

Take, for example, a scene from this week"s episode in which the crew makes it look like Javi is dying so that Kailyn can somehow benefit from the trauma of seeing her son"s father on life support.

“This is f–ked up!” she shouts, leaving the room while crying. “This is f–ked up!”

In a leap of logic that"s gargantuan even by the extremely lofty standards of Marriage Boot Camp, host Dr. V proceeded to glean a whole lot of information from Kailyn"s reaction to what was essentially a customized haunted house:

“Seeing him on life support has brought up all these emotions and all these memories,” Dr. V said. “I bet there’s still some life in that relationship.”

That"s a bit like putting a rubber spider on someone"s shoulder, waiting for them to jump and then being like, "Clearly, your issues with your father have eight legs."

Bear witness to the dubious practices of the Marriage Boot Camp medical experts in the clip below:


Kailyn lowry loses it after seeing javi marroquin on life suppor