Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Pregnant With Fourth Child?!

It"s been less than two weeks since Jenelle Evans and David Eason got married in front of a small group of guests at their home.

Since that eventful day in North Carolina, however, rumors are flying about what"s next for the tumultuous Teen Mom 2 couple.

The Easons previously stated that they weren"t planning on having more children together in the foreseeable future, but, well …

Reports that Jenelle is pregnant with her fourth child seem to be everywhere on social media, and she"s done little to quiet them.

Check out the gallery below to find out why so many fans are convinced Jenelle is expecting … and tell us if you buy it.

1. Mr. and Mrs. Eason!

Jenelle evans and david eason wedding pic

Jenelle and David got married on September 24. The baby rumors began flying almost immediately after the couple said “I do” … which wouldn’t be that unusual for many young, newly-married couples. The craziness between these two prior to their exchange of vows, though …

2. The Night Before

Jenelle evans on the phone

Not even 24 hours before they got hitched, Jenelle and David reportedly got into such a bad argument that she slammed her ring on the table and called the wedding off. Obviously, they ended up going through with it, but for reasons that remain unclear, many witnesses were convinced they were fighting about her unplanned pregnancy.

3. The Plot Thickens

Jenelle evans with david eason

The rumor gained traction after a photo of Jenelle that surfaced shortly after wedding.

4. Jumping to Conclusions

Jumping to conclusions

On Twitter, Teen Mom 2 fans are alread blasting Jenelle for getting knocked up again.

5. False Evidence

False evidence

This photo has been making its way across social media as proof that Jenelle is pregnant, but it’s likely over a year old. Jenelle and her mother, Barbara Evans (pictured), don’t appear to be on speaking terms these days.

6. Jenelle’s Midriff

Jenelle evans back on fit tea

Jenelle’s taking to posting photos like this to prove to fans she’s not expecting, but one key piece of evidence has led many to the conclusion that she’s lying…

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