Monday, December 4, 2017

Little People, Big World Fans are Actually Dragging Ember Over This Outfit

Little People, Big World viewers may be growing a tad anxious for the TLC series to return.

We say this because a handful of these fans are growing a bit salty online.

We’ve taken note of this on a few recent occasions.

For example, Audrey Roloff recently received backlash for the outfit she wore to the doctor’s office.

We’re not kidding. We’re totally serious.

Some Internet users gave Roloff flak because she donned ripped jeans for a check-up.

Elsewhere, meanwhile, Amy Roloff can scarcely do anything without hearing from a certain segment of her followers.

She is somehow still getting grief for keeping her last name after she and Matt filed for divorce.

And now it’s Ember Jean Roloff’s turn to face the insulting music.

Yes, Ember Jean Roloff. The baby who was born in September.

You won’t believe what some folks have said in response to the precious photo above.

Amy shared the picture on Saturday, along with a caption that reads as follows:

“Cute aggression has peaked. I’m going to have the wrinkliest lips when I’m older from curling them in and squeezing them together – aka making “the face” as Jermey calls it.

“It’s the cute aggression face.

“I make it when I think Jer is really cute, or Pine is really cute, but it’s a whole new level with Ember…

“Sometimes my lips even get sore. Anyone else?”

How adorable, right?

Audrey can’t stop smiling over her daughter.

Nope, wrong.

Some trolls out there found something to criticize about this image of mother and very young child.

“Why always the ugly brown tights?” one critic wondered upon seeing the snapshot, while another added:

“Very cute but she is never dressed (with) nice little colors.”

What can even be said about these pieces of criticism?!?

If you find it necessary to say mean things about how a mother dresses her baby, perhaps you ought to take a long hard look in the mirror, as opposed to at that baby’s ensemble.


Just don’t do it, okay?

Thankfully, Audrey isn’t letting the backlash get to her.

Far from it.

She’s just savoring every second she has with her child.

“I’m torn between wanting her to fit in my palms forever, and being so excited to watch her personality unfold,” Roloff recently explained on Instagram, adding:

“When I catch a gummy grin or listen to her little owl sounds I can’t help but unravel with joy.

“These are moments without the pressure of time, fully embraced and deeply cherished. Baby girl, you are a blessing, heritage, and reward.”

Amen, Auds.
