Friday, December 22, 2017

Snooki & Jionni LaValle: Headed For Divorce?!

When Snooki and Jionni LaValle got married back in 2014, they truly defied the odds.

No, not because of that dumb “don’t look for love on the Jersey Shore” mantra that some of Snooks’ roommates tried to make happen back in Season 1, but because of the circumstances under which their relationship began.

Usually, when romances start with one party telling the world that the other has a small penis while doing her best to cheat on him, it doesn’t bode well for the future.

Add to that the fact that Jionni bailed after just a few hours when he attempted to visit Snooki during her time in Italy, and it’s pretty clear that the smart money would have been on these two never making it to the altar.

But to the utter shock of many, Snooki and Jionni tied the knot, and they’re currently raising two kids together.

Of course, for a while now, the LaValles relationship has looked more like an amicable co-parenting partnership than an actual marriage.

And now fans are starting to suspect that the lack of romance is putting a strain on the couple.

Rumors of Snooki and Jionni living separate lives have been circulating for years.

Only in the past few months, however, have the LaValles stopped trying to hide the growing distance between them.

Fans have noticed that Jionni is nowhere to be found on Snooks’ social media page.

The couple is seldom seen together in public, and Jionni didn’t attend Deena Cortese’s wedding or any of the recent Shore reunion events with his wife.

“How come your husband is never in anything ever?” one fan recently asked on Snooks’ Instagram page.

“No more Jionni?” echoed another.

“Jionni never goes out with her and she seems to be going out a lot,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

“He can’t say he has to take care of the kids because they live a few minutes away from his entire family.”

It’s not hard to see why fans are so curious.

According to Radar, Jionni and Snooki were spotted attending a comedy show together earlier this year, but they haven’t been photographed together with their kids since 2015!

Until today (seemingly in response to the latest round of rumors) the only pic Snooki had posted of Jionni in the past month was a throwback to their wedding day.

But who’s to say?

Maybe they’re one of those couples that can contentedly live separate lives and stay together for the kids.

Fans are a bit taken aback, of course, as Snooki … never struck as the unemotional type.
