Friday, December 1, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Doing Well in Rehab with Support of Tyler Baltierra!

Catelynn Lowell has been through many, many things so far in her life.

Her father hasn"t been around all that much, her mother was emotionally abusive when she was younger, and it"s clear that she really struggled with her decision to place her daughter, Carly, for adoption.

In addition to all of that, or perhaps because of it, she"s had issues with depression and anxiety for much of her life.

Last year, things had gotten so bad with her postpartum depression that she went off to spend a few weeks in an inpatient facility to try to get a handle on things.

And a couple of weeks ago, she revealed that she"d once again be heading off to get treatment.

Is she doing any better now?

Read on to find out …

1. Catelynn’s Struggles

Catelynns struggles

In November, Catelynn shocked us all by tweeting “Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment.” Teen Mom fans know she struggles with her mental health, but we had no idea things had gotten this bad again.

2. So Sad

Catelynn lowell purple hair

She further shocked us in an official statement she released, one that read “I’m taking the time I need right now to take good care of myself… On November 17th I thought of every way possible to commit suicide… from wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole… THANK GOD I have a support system and a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER… thank god I am self aware… I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better… anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason… Thank you for your support during this tough time…. Much Love, Catelynn Baltierra.”

3. Off to Rehab

Tyler baltierra catelynn lowell novalee hike pic

So Tyler escorted her to a treatment center in Arizona to get a handle on things … and speaking of Tyler, can we gush about him for a moment?

4. Oh, Tyler …

Cate lowell and tyler baltierra

He and Catelynn have been together since middle school, which is insane. Through the years, they’ve grown together and supported each other through so much, and it’s obvious that he’s being strong for her now.

5. Incredibly Proud

Incredibly proud

He tweeted that message after Catelynn revealed her plans to enter rehab … so sweet, right?

6. Love You More

Love you more

Shortly after that, he shared this darling little snippet of some text messages between the two of them.

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