Thursday, December 7, 2017

Briana DeJesus: Is She USING Javi Marroquin to Get Back at Kailyn Lowry?!

When the world first learned that Briana DeJesus and Javi Marroquin are dating, many Teen Mom 2 fans had the same thought:

From the outside, it certainly looked as though the two were hooking up simply to get revenge on Javi’s ex, Kailyn Lowry.

And now it seems that Kailyn herself might share that opinion.

“Kailyn feels sorry for Javi right now, she thinks he’s getting played,” a source close to the situation tells Hollywood Life.

“She does not think this so-called love is sincere on either of their parts, but especially Briana. Kailyn has every reason to believe that Briana is more interested in upsetting her than anything else.”

Of course, the circle of Teen Mom franchise stars is a small one, and it’s possible that Javi and Kailyn just have more in common thatn most single parents.

That said, it does seem a bit suspicious that Briana just happened to fall for her rival’s ex-husband.

Even more suspicious is how fast these two are moving.

After just a few months of dating, Javi has already declared his love for Briana on Instagram.

She hasn’t publicly reciprocated, but they’re certainly giving the impression that they’re headed for a long-term commitment to one another.

Kailyn, however, believes the whole thing is an act, and she’s not buying into it:

“This is a revenge hook-up, it’s not love. Kailyn is rolling her eyes at both of them right now,” the insider says.

Javi’s relationship pattern post-Kailyn does seem to indicate that he falls hard, so perhaps his feelings for Briana are legit.

But many fans remain unconvinced about DeJesus’ sincerity.

We guess time will tell if Briana and Javi are the real deal or if they simply gravitated toward one another out of a shared desire for revenge, consciously or otherwise.

As for Kailyn’s own love life, to say things are complicated right now would be to put it very mildly.

Just days after confirming that she’s dating Dominique Potter, Kail revealed that she’s once again single … sort of.

“My ‘relationship’ is in limbo right now…I don’t even know what to call it,” Lowry said in a recent interview.

No word on what transipired between Lowry and Potter, but it sounds as though they’ve decided to keep it casual for the time being.

Fortunately, with three kids to raise and a one-woman media empire to run, we’re sure Kail has plenty to keep her busy.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the tumultuous life of Ms. Lowry.
