Monday, December 18, 2017

Track Palin: Sarah"s Son Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges AGAIN!

If every election were decided by a studio audience from The Jerry Springer show, every political family would look like the Palins.

Sarah Palin stepped down from her role as governor of Alaska back in … and she’s been fading into obscurity ever since.

But while Palin remains desperate for fame (as evidenced by her desire to buddy up to Kid Rock and Ted Nugent) she probably wishes her delinquent kids would stop making headlines with their criminal behavior.

Several media outlets are reporting today that Palin’s oldest son, Track, was arrested over the weekend on charges of felony burglary, assault in the fourth degree and criminal mischief for causing property damage of between $ 250 and $ 999.

NBC News has confirmed that the assault charge stems from a domestic violence incident.

Track was arrested in Wasilla, the town where his famous mother once served as mayor

It’s the 28-year-old’s second domestic violence arrest in less than two years.

In 2016, Track was arrested after his then-girlfriend, who was found hiding under her bed and crying, told police he repeatedly punched her in the face.

Those charges followed on the heels of another incident, in which Track was arrested for drunkenly brandishing a gun.

Track was able to plea down and avoid jail time in both incidents.

Those who are familiar with his family’s clout in Alaska say they’re not surprised that he seems to be above the law.

It’s unclear what sort of repercussions Track will face this time, but yet again, it seems unlikely that he’ll serve any time in prison.

Various media outlets have attempted to contact the Palin’s but the family has yet to return any calls.

They did, however, issue a vague press release through their attorney:

“Given the nature of actions addressed last night by law enforcement and the charges involved, the Palins are unable to comment further,” the statement reads.

“They ask that the family’s privacy is respected during this challenging situation just as others dealing with a struggling family member would also request.”

We’re sure the woman who was (allegedly) attacked by Track finds the situation “challenging,” as well.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.
