Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Kylie Jenner Covers LOVE, Internet Asks: Where the Eff is Your Baby Bump?!?

Kylie Jenner is alive and well, folks.

The 20-year old reality star, who rarely lets a day go by without sharing a new photo on Instagram, has been largely absent from the social media platform over the past few weeks. 

Moreover, Kylie is nowhere to be found on the latest Kardashian Christmas card.

Following weeks of teaser images released by the famous family, most followers assumed the card’s photo shoot would culminate in the reveal that Jenner is, indeed, pregnant.

Alas, it did not.

But Kylie did make a separate appearance this week, as she shared the cover of the latest LOVE magazine on her aforementioned Instagram page.

She included with it a caption that reads:

“Merry Christmas! Thank you @thelovemagazine @kegrand for this special cover shot by @kendalljenner & interview by @krisjenner #love19.”

Yes, sister Kendall snapped this picture and mother Kris conducted the featured interview.

It’s pretty clear at this point that Kylie is being as careful as possible about who she lets into her inner circle while she’s expecting.

Which is totally fine, of course.

Kylie is very much allowed to announce her pregnancy on her own terms, whenever and however she pleases.

But she has to understand that her 100 million-plus social media followers are growing anxious, especially because they’re used to Jenner sharing every aspect of her life with them…

… and also because Khloe Kardashian has confirmed her pregnancy.

When will Kylie finally do so?!?

At least one fan is banking on this week.

“ok bet. new year, new baby has got to be kylie… can’t go out with a better bang than revealing your hidden pregnancy as the ball drops,” Tweeted @donniedarkhoee, adding:

“couldn’t imagine anything more extra considering they played us so hard on christmas. she’s about to claim a whole new year.”

Others, meanwhile, think the child has already been born. HA!


As mentioned previously, we can’t blame or judge Kylie for how she handles her pregnancy.

At the same time, we also can’t blame fans for giving her a hard time.

When you’re someone such as Kylie Jenner – whose best known attribute is simply sharing private news and photos with the public – you have to expect some backlash when you choose to go silent over such a significant issue.

The only conclusion we can draw from her silence is that Jenner isn’t excited to be a mother.

There’s no way she and Travis Scott planned this, right?

Or… wait… might Kylie be FAKING the pregnancy?!?

There are a few clues that could back up this likely misguided theory. To wit:
