Thursday, December 14, 2017

Kim Kardashian to Meghan Markle: Be Friends with Me!!!

Being tabloid royalty and the cash cow of the First Family of Reality TV is great and all, but it doesn’t compare to being truly regal.

As such, Kim Kardashian is reportedly hell bent on becoming best friends forever with Prince Harry’s new fiancee Meghan Markle.

A new report hilariously claims that she’s just as obsessed with MegMar as the rest of us peons, only Kim isn’t like the rest of us peons.

With a disproportionate amount of money and influence for someone of her talent level, she believes she can do extraordinary things.

Often times, she can. But embarking on a mission to personally woo and befriend the former Suits actress turned would-be-princess?

That’s just bonkers to be perfectly honest.

Even if it weren’t Kim, the idea of anyone trying to bribe their way to a wedding invite is a little out there, but that’s what’s being alleged.

According to Hollywood Life sources, she’s “pulling out all the stops” to snag an invite to Prince Harry’s May nuptials at Windsor Castle. 

This isn’t the first time her royal obsession has led to Kim reaching out, as she “tried hard to befriend William and Kate,” an insider says.

In that situation, she supposedly set gifts from her own clothing line and that of hubby Kanye West to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Those efforts, unsurprisingly, “didn’t go anywhere.”

Having regrouped, she’s now trying a different approach, “networking like crazy to find mutual friends who will introduce her to Meghan.”

Bribes go a long way, but it’s that personal touch that was missing before … not that she won’t also be issuing bribes. She totes will.

“She’s arranged for diamond earrings that match Meghan’s engagement ring to be designed as a gift,” says the family insider.

Not only that, Kardashian “plans to offer [Meghan] and Harry a private Kanye concert, since she knows the prince is a fan.”

She also feels that these overtures might work because Meghan Markle is from Southern California originally, just like her!

Whether that means she stands a better chance of getting an intro with her than when she tried to befriend the British Kate?

Only time will tell. But she’s going all out.

“She’s determined to make this happen,” the source said, though even if Kim is somehow on their radar, it could be a tall order.

Only 800 people can fit in the church hosting the wedding, meaning it will be challenging to make the cut even under the right circumstances.

William and Kate Middleton’s April 2011 wedding was held at Westminster Abbey, which holds more than double that capacity at 2,000.

Not that this fact would’ve helped Kimye.

Again, there are only a few million commoners who would love to attend, let alone state and dignitaries from around this great planet.

With Kim Kardashian snubbed by Kate Middleton on more than one occasion, it seems quite unlikely that her prayers will be answered.

It’s not that she’s doing anything wrong (who can blame her for fangirling out), it just boils down to the royals being even more famous.

As such, American reality stars with no actual ties to the family (SoCal roots notwithstanding) will be left watching on TV like us. Sad!
