Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Pregnancy Complicated to Come?

Kylie Jenner is a still an expecting mother.

Despite recent rumors to the contrary, the reality star did NOT give birth over the weekend.

Why did this chatter even make the social media rounds?

Why was there talk that Jenner completed labor already and is resting comfortably with her newborn?

Because, insiders tell Radar Online, the 20-year old did see her doctor.

And, yes, the visit was related to her pregnancy… and not simply a regular check-up, either.

“She is due in late February or early March and she is having some minor complications right now that may force her to deliver the baby C-section,” claims a Radar source, adding a bit ominously:

“It is nothing too alarming; her docs think that it would be the best option for the delivery.”

A c-section is the short-hand name for a procedure known as a “cesarean section.”

This is when a woman delivers a baby through a surgical incision in her abdomen and uterus – and, yes, it is very common.

There’s typically a couple week recovery time afterward, however, during which time the mother is very sore and has difficulty doing everyday tasks such as walking or holding her baby.

It’s a common surgery, but it’s still a real surgery.

Most women would prefer to avoid it.

We have no idea what Kylie’s medical condition may be, but it’s well known at this point that half-sister Kim Kardashian experienced two very challenging pregnancies.

She has something called placenta accreta, placenta increta or placenta percreta.

This is means the placenta’s blood vessels attach too deeply to the uterus’ wall; the condition can lead to complications such as blood loss and the inability to conceive again.

Kim did give birth vaginally to both North and Saint West.

But doctors advised against her trying for a third child, which is why she and Kanye West are instead set to welcome a new son or daughter via surrogate.

Kylie, meanwhile, still has not said a word about being pregnant.

Neither has baby daddy and semi-long-term boyfriend Travis Scott.

As a result, we cannot verify this report or, to be honest, anything related to Kylie’s expecting state.

This is where we’d typically make some sort of joke at Jenner’s expense, but the timing just feels off.

If this story is true, and there really may be complications ahead, we simply feel badly for her and wish Jenner the best.

If she’s hiding her baby bump because she’s sad and ashamed, then we say the same thing.

A new life is about to be brought into the world and that’s an awesome responsibility.

This isn’t a time for jokes or mockery, just for the very best of wishes.
