Friday, January 12, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: Life is Kicking My Ass and My Mom Doesn"t Care!

Kendra Wilkinson tweeted out that she’s suffering in 2018.

In fact, it’s apparently her hardest year so far. She doesn’t spell out why … but we can guess.

But do you know who doesn’t feel for Kendra? Kendra’s mother, Patti Wilkinson.

Kendra Wilkinson’s 2017 was not necessarily ideal.

There were rumors that she and Hank Baskett would divorce.

Kendra was hospitalized more than once. She suffered a mystery illness … but, another time, she injured herself while pantomiming a handjob on stage.

To top it all off, Kendra — who’s taken other reality stars to task for racism in the past and, lest we forget, whose immediate family is black — was accused of racism after she picked cotton.

It was one of those very rare instances when someone accused of racism was not, in fact, being racist.

Despite all of that, Kendra seems to be having a harder time in 2018 — and we’re not even two weeks into the year.

Kendra tweeted:

“2018 has been so far the hardest start to a year in my life. Kickin my ass n putting me through a true test… but I survived this far. I choose to stand strong, be grateful n smile. Life is too short.”

It is, but that’s really vague, right? Well, she gets vaguer with some life advice that looks like it belongs on a trite motivational poster:

“The most important time in your life is right now at this moment. Let go of the past and have fun dreaming. Enjoy life’s little pleasures. Take control n prioritize who n what deserves this time.”

So, what does that mean? Is she okay?

Kendra’s mother, Patti Wilkinson, spoke to RadarOnline. But she didn’t seem terribly interested in addressing Kendra’s tweets.

“I am not interested in talking about Kendra.”


Patti is apparently vacationing outside of the US, and told RadarOnline that she is “not talking about Kendra.”

Infamously, Kendra’s mother wants to write a book that will expose details and secrets of Kendra’s life, which very understandably makes Kendra nearly lose it whenever it’s brought up.

It’s a sore point between the two of them.

We can only speculate as to what she might mean.

Remember how she was suffering from aches and pains that had her rushed to the hospital and canceling her Vegas shows?

It turned out that, according to Kendra, she had something called vaginal depression — aches and pains in her genitals that have no apparent physiological cause.

(A lot of gynecological ailments haven’t been taken seriously by the medical community over the years, because sexism ruins everything; we can’t help but wonder if doctors would have a better grasp on what causes vaginal depression if, you know, women hadn’t been excluded from becoming doctors for centuries)

Doctors usually prescribe sex, which should be great news for Kendra. Kendra describes herself as a “horny motherf–ker,” and it wasn’t just her emotional bond with Hank Baskett that she missed while she spent time in Vegas.

Speaking of Hank Baskett, some believe that old hurt feelings over Hank’s alleged affair with a trans model — well, affair is a strong word; the story goes that she maybe gave him a handjob — may still be causing problems.

Others hope that the couple is past that.

It’s also possible that Kendra is just working really hard on her 2018 body goals. Her New Year’s Resolution is all about herself and her figure, and she’s been hitting the gym hard to keep in shape.

So maybe she’s kicking her own ass?

It’s possible that we have no clue as to what’s making her 2018 into such a trial. But, it’s Kendra, so we doubt that it’ll remain secret for long.
