Friday, January 5, 2018

Kim Kardashian Wears Only a Thong, Talks About "Grinding"

2018 is here and about a third of the country risks freezing to death if they go out to check the mail, but there’s a light on the horizon.

No, sorry, that’s a camera flash in Kim Kardashian’s bedroom.

Kim’s topless. In bed. Wearing nothing but a white thong. And … what’s this about grinding?

This steamy new photo, which you can see below, comes right on the back of Kim Kardashian facing off against mom-shamers.

Kim’s son, Saint, had to be hospitalized with pneumonia.

That’s scary at any time, but especially for someone as young as Saint. Two-year-olds don’t tend to have the most robust immune systems, folks.

Kim and Kanye stayed by his side through that scary event.

But that didn’t stop haters from trying to come for her.

Mom-shamers tried (and failed spectacularly) to take Kim to task.

See, some people tried to believe that Kim was just out partying and neglecting her young child — like pre-murder Casey Anthony — while Saint was sick.

Kim heard about the rumor and shut it down, sharing that she remained by Saint’s side nonstop during his health crisis.

Because of course she did. She can be vicious and petty while feuding with Taylor Swift, but Kim Kardashian is a great mom.

Also, New Year’s Eve was on Sunday, folks. Don’t mix up your timelines.

Anyway, Kim posted this gorgeous photo, early Friday morning:

She looks absolutely gorgeous.

She’s covering up her nipples with her hands — though that only covers part of her breasts, so she’s flaunting plenty of underboob.

Wearing he white thong and posed the way that she is, she almost looks like she’s not wearing underwear until you glimpse the white of the thong above her waist.

Her famous Kardashian butt stands out and proud, capturing the viewer’s attention.

And her caption for the photo was … curious.

Kim Kardashian tweeted out the image (presumably taken by Kanye), writing:

“Rise & Grind.”

While that sounds like the self-explanatory title of a porn video …

(In case we need to spell it out, a lot of couples who wake up in bed together grind against each other; it’s basically sexy instinct at work. Also “rise” … you guys know how penises work, right? If not, you don’t need to be looking at photos of Kim basically naked)

… We think that it’s Kim’s version of a wake-up photo.

Rather than “grind” in the sexy sense, she’s combining “rise and shine” with “back to the grind.”

Still, it’s an undeniably sexy look — whether Kim’s your type or not, you can still admire living art — and a welcome end to the first week of 2018.

Of course, the mommy-shamers tried to go after her again, with inane comments like:

“What if North sees this?”

One, North West turns 5 this year. You’re not supposed to be on Twitter until you’re 13. Twitter might be fine with Nazis having their run of the platform, but they draw the line at little kids.

Two, hopefully Kim and Kanye are raising North to be someone who isn’t scandalized by photographs of … gasp! … a human woman.

Finally … if North’s going to be scandalized by images of Kim, it’s probably going to be from Kim’s sex tape. Not of a photo that Kanye took of Kim one morning.
