Monday, June 4, 2018

Scott Disick: Will He Fall Off the Wagon Following Sofia Richie Split?

Over the weekend, the world learned the not-so-shocking news that Scott Disick and Sofia Richie have ended their relationship.

Nothing about the situation was surprising, including the fact that the breakup allegedly happened because Disick got caught cheating.

And now, if everything proceeds apace, and Scott continues being so predictable, the next step will have him embarking on a Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas-caliber bender.

And that’s not just us being cynical.

Before he met Sofia, Scott was drinking so much that friends were reportedly afraid for his life.

And if we’ve learned anything from watching Disick endlessly repeat his mistakes for the past decade it’s that the man is a creature of habit to the bitter end.

So it comes as no surprise that those who know him best are deeply worried about the possibility that the newly-adrift Scott will spiral out of control.

Also not surprising — the most concerned party is Kourtney Kardashian, a woman who would no doubt love to cut ties with Scott for good, but is forever tethered to him by the three children they have together.

“Her concern is that Scott will go back to partying every day and be MIA,” a source tells People magazine.

As you may recall, Scott’s last bender was prompted by his breakup with Kourtney.

While the rest of the world might have seen Disick’s relationship with Richie as the ill-advised fling that it was, Scott reportedly believed they were both in it for the long haul.

And now that they’ve called it quits, it’s widely expected that Scott will suffer another meltdown.

Though Kourtney always felt that Sofia, 19, was much too young for Scott, 35, she appreciated the stabilizing effect Richie seemed to have on Disick.

“Sofia was a good influence on Scott,” the source says.

“Since she has been around, he has been drinking less and acting more like an adult,” said a different insider when Scott and Sofa were still dating.

“The kids are all very happy that Scott is around and Kourtney would hate for that to change,” the source added.

Hopefully, Scott can keep his kids at the forefront of his mind in the weeks to come.

It’s probably tough to transition from dating children to raising them, but we have faith in the Lord.
