Saturday, June 9, 2018

Meghan Markle Attends First Royal Event Since Honeymoon, Looks SO GOOD!!!

OK, so it’s not exactly news that Meghan Markle is gorgeous and amazing and all-around delightful, right?

Well, actually it is technically news, since here we are.

Maybe we should say that it’s not a surprise that Meghan would show up to her first royal event post-honeymoon looking like a radiant, divine goddess.

Because it’s true, it’s not a surprise, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to see pictures and know literally every detail about everything!

OK, so Meghan and Prince Harry just got back from their honeymoon, right?

They postponed it until a bit after their actual wedding so they could do a different event, but then they went to an undisclosed location — many say they planned a trip to Africa, some say Ireland, some say Canada.

But wherever it was, they went, surely had a lovely, sexy time, and now they’re back home.

Us peasants usually enjoying a few days to recuperate from such big vacations, but the whole thing about Harry and now Meghan is that they’re not peasants.

They’re literal royalty, and that’s why they had to dress up this morning and do a big birthday thing for the queen.

And just look at how great she looked:

If you’re not familiar with all the ins and outs of royal tradition, the event is called Trooping the Colour, and it’s been around for centuries.

It’s basically a big birthday parade for the sovereign, and it’s been held in June for many, many years now — Queen Elizabeth’s actual birthday is in April.

Everybody gets in carriages, there’s a royal salute, the whole family stands on the balcony and waves at everyone who’s gathered around to watch.

It’s this big thing every year, but this is the first year that Meghan’s participated.

And, as we previously mentioned, she looked so, so amazing.

Her dress, that beautiful pink number, is a Caroline Herrera, and the hat is by Phillip Treacy, natch.

It’s interesting because with this look, Meghan has once again broken that pesky royal protocol.

Yep, even though she is pretty much the picture of class here, it’s apparently a bit immodest when compared against the traditional wardrobe to this event.

For reference, Kate Middleton has never worn sleeves that come above her elbows to a Trooping the Colour, and if you want to go even further back, Diana never did, either.

It’s not the first time she’s gone against the usual royal lady fashion guide, either — she often wears her hair messier than other princesses before her, for instance.

In those beautiful engagement photos she and Harry did, she wasn’t wearing nude pantyhose — another no-no — and even her gorgeous wedding dress was a bit off-the-shoulder, too.

But the thing is, Meghan is a black American actress, you know?

She’s already breaking a lot of rules just by joining the family in the first place.

And honestly, if this is the kind of rule-breaker she’s going to be, then we are 100% here for it.
